Pubdate: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 Source: Hamilton Mountain News (CN ON) Copyright: 2007 Brabant Newspapers Contact: Details: Author: Russell Barth Referenced: GROW-OPS DON'T CAUSE INJURIES OR FIRES Re: Mountain Grow-Op's Wiring Packed Potential Wallop "Sergeant Michael Webber said police found the home's electrical wiring had been dangerously altered". Considering how often police get caught lying and exaggerating when it come to marijuana busts, I am surprised that there is a single reporter in Canada still willing to relay their reports unchallenged. But then, one hand washes the other, doesn't it? Here is an example: Any time there is a bust, the police say that each plant (no matter what size) is "worth $1000 on the street". But saying that a four-inch tall seedling is "worth" the same as a full grown flowering plant, is much like saying that a pile of car parts is actually a $20,000 car. It isn't really a "lie", but - just like everything else cops say about marijuana - it is exaggeration bordering on fabrication. And finally, the dangers that actually are found in grow-ops comes from the prohibition of the plant, not the plants or the equipment. How many have actually caught fire in Canada? How many people have actually been injured in grow-ops? If they are so dangerous, why does Health Canada license hundreds of people to grow pot at home? So when a reporter ask cops about how dangerous grow-ops are, they're really asking the fox why there are so many chickens missing from the coop. The fox, of course, keeps blaming the chickens. Russell Barth Federal Medical Marijuana License Holder Ottawa - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin