Pubdate: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW) Website: HOT OFF THE 'NET BMJ ATTEMPTS TO TACKLE THE DRUG LAW REFORM DEBATE The British Medical Journal, which along with the Lancet, is arguably the UK's most prestigious medical journal, has this week run two articles in its regular Head to Head section, entitled 'Should drugs be decriminalised' (with a cover teaser titled: 'Should street drugs be decriminalised'). The two articles, printed on facing pages, were produced by Dr Kailash Chand, a General practitioner arguing the 'Yes' position, and Joseph A Califano from the The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University arguing the 'No' position. - --------------------------- CANNABIS AND CANNABINOIDS IN THE 21ST CENTURY The video "Cannabis and Cannabinoids in the 21st Century: Medical Marijuana" is now live. You can view it at: - --------------------------- CANADIAN CANNABIS ACTIVISTS HAIL COURT VICTORY Canada's prohibition of the possession of marijuana has once again been declared to be constitutionally invalid and of no legal force or effect. In a judgment released last Tuesday of a decision he rendered in Oshawa on October 19, Justice Edmondson of the Ontario Court of Justice dismissed charges against three young men accused of simple possession of marijuana, declaring that "there is no offence known to law which the accused have committed." - --------------------------- NEW DRUG WAR DEBATE VIDEO AT LEAP Law Enforcement Against Prohibition speaker Rusty White, author and columnist Jacob Sullum and a former Dallas, Texas drug intelligence officer, Phil Jordan, debate the "war on drugs" on the McCuistion show. - --------------------------- DRUG TRUTH NETWORK Cultural Baggage Radio Show 11/14/07 - Karen Garrison, mother of two sons in Fed prison on mandatory minimums of 15 and 19 years + Marc Mauer of the Sentencing Project Audio: Century of Lies 11/13/07 - Jerry Epstein, founding member of Drug Policy Forum of Texas Audio: - --------------------------- RAT TRAP - WHY CANADA'S DRUG POLICY WON'T CHECK ADDICTION by Robert Hercz - --------------------------- CANNABINOID CHRONICLES - NOVEMBER The November issue of Cannabinoid Chronicles is now available online at: - --------------------------- NATIONAL DRUG THREAT ASSESSMENT - 2008 National Drug Intelligence Center, U.S. Dept. of Justice "This interagency assessment provides a strategic overview and predictive outlook of the threat to the United States from the illicit trafficking and use of cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin, pharmaceutical drugs, and other dangerous drugs." - --------------------------- WHAT YOU CAN DO THIS WEEK HOUSE EDUCATION AND LABOR COMMITTEE AVOIDS HEA REFORM Late Wednesday night Congress turned its back on students with drug convictions. When the House Education and Labor Committee debated the Higher Education Act reauthorization bill Wednesday night, Chairman George Miller (D-CA) prevented a vote on an amendment offered by our friends in Congress who are actively working to repeal the harmful and unfair aid elimination penalty. While we are extremely disappointed that the Democratic leadership refused to allow a vote on such an important issue, those who spoke in favor of the amendment proved that support for repealing this penalty is strong and growing in Congress. You can watch clips of this historic debate at: and While the committee's inaction is undoubtedly a major setback, it is clear that this fight isn't over yet. There's still a chance we can win a vote on an amendment on the House floor or shepherd a good outcome through the House-Senate conference committee, so if you haven't already, please send a letter to your member of Congress now at - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake