Pubdate: Thu, 22 Nov 2007
Source: Hampshire Chronicle (UK)
Copyright: 2007 Newsquest Media Group, A Gannett Company


TEACHERS from across Hampshire heard one mother's harrowing experiences of 
her twin sons' drug addiction at a special conference on substance misuse 
and other issues which can affect young people.

The conference, hosted by the PRISM Network, was entitled Scratching the 
Surface' and took place at the Potters Heron Hotel in Ampfield last 
Wednesday, (November 21).

This year the conference had a special focus on self-harm and bereavement 
as well as providing information and workshops on substance misuse. It was 
aimed at raising awareness of services available for young people and 
enabling teachers to offer specialist support to young people. Many of the 
teachers who attended the conference are the first point of contact for 
pupils looking for advice about drugs and other issues.

The conference was opened by Councillor David Kirk, Hampshire County 
Council's Executive Member for Children's Services and the guest speaker 
was Elizabeth Burton-Phillips, author of Mum, can you lend me twenty quid?' 
a book which recounts her experiences coping with both her sons' addiction 
to heroin.

Elizabeth, who herself has 35 years teaching experience, never imagined 
that both her twins would become involved in drugs. She was shocked when 
they were suspended from school for smoking cannabis but that just turned 
out to be the start of her terrible journey which culminated with a knock 
on the door in the early hours from police telling her that her son Nick 
had killed himself in despair at his addiction.

Since his death she has campaigned to make parents, teachers and others who 
support young people aware of the realities of drug addiction and its 
effect on families. Elizabeth, who lives near Reading, is a family 
spokesperson for FRANK, the national drugs helpline and chairman of Crack 
it a support organisation for those coping with addiction in the family.

Teachers from every Hampshire County Council secondary school were invited 
to attend the conference and those who have expressed an interest in taking 
on the role of a school drugs co-ordinator will be offered further training.

Cllr Kirk said: "Substance abuse and the other issues being discussed at 
this conference can affect any family at any time. It is therefore vital 
that young people and those who work with them have all the relevant facts 
to hand to help them make informed choices and so they know where to turn 
to for further help and advice.

"This conference is an ideal opportunity to raise awareness of school 
staff, not only to health and education issues related to substance misuse 
and other matters affecting young people, but also to the good practice 
currently going on in Hampshire. Through the PRISM Network and other 
agencies Hampshire County Council staff work with young people to inform 
them of the dangers of substance misuse and the devastating effects it can 
have on their lives and the lives of those around them."

The PRISM (Processing Referrals Involving Substance Misuse) Network aims to 
increase social inclusion and promote improved educational outcomes for 
vulnerable pupils who may be involved in substance misuse. It provides 
specialist advice and consultation to school staff on the management of 
pupils with substance misuse related problems, within a school setting.
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