Pubdate: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 Source: Times Argus (Barre, VT) Copyright: 2007 Times Argus Contact: Details: Referenced: Author: Walter Carpenter SAND IS RIGHT ON MARIJUANA LAW Is it actually legal for a governor to order the by-passing of a county prosecutor, as Gov. Douglas did with Windsor County Attorney Bobby Sand? Or can the governor just do whatever he or she wants in regard to county attorneys and their decisions? If so, then what is the point of continually trying to pretend that we are actually a democracy? As a previous letter-writer in the Times-Argus on the same issue said, "Windsor County prosecutor Bobby Sand has opened the door to finally have an open, science-based discussion about "drugs" and "drug" policy in our state." That person is right. Marijuana does far less harm than cigarettes, for instance, which are still legal, and which kill tens of thousands of people every year (my mother was one of last year's statistics, dying of lung cancer caused by a lifetime of smoking cigarettes) and cost the states excessive amounts of money to care for people with long-term illnesses that cigarettes cause. Yet, cigarettes are legal, while marijuana is considered an illegal and dangerous drug worthy of jail sentences and criminal records for its users. After all, cigarette makers do have more lobbying clout than marijuana growers or importers. Maybe what Sand really exposed is that someone out there is making a great deal of money from all the people that our draconian marijuana laws needlessly throw into the gulags while cigarette makers are allowed by law to go on making money no matter what their body count is. Walter Carpenter Montpelier - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake