Pubdate: Fri, 23 Nov 2007
Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW)



Pubdate: Fri, 23 Nov 2007
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2007 The New York Times Company
Author: Solomon Moore

HOUSTON -- Corey Taylor, a convicted drug dealer, recently got out of 
prison and moved into his grandmother's house in Sunnyside, a south 
central Houston neighborhood of small, tidy yards.

During his first days home, Mr. Taylor, 26, got a sharp reminder of 
the neighborhood's chronic problems.

"Out of 10 of my partners, only one is doing anything different," he 
said, referring to his former drug-dealing companions. "I have some 
friends I haven't seen for 10 years because either I was locked up or 
they were locked up."

Last year, 32,585 prisoners were released on state parole in Texas, 
and many of them returned to neighborhoods where they live among 
thousands of other parolees and probationers.

Sunnyside is one of 10 neighborhoods in Houston that together 
accounted for 15 percent of the city's population, yet received half 
of the 6,283 prisoners released in Houston in 2005, according to the 
Justice Mapping Center, a criminal justice research group.

The group, which is based in Brooklyn, has done work for the Texas 
Legislature that helped lead to a $217 million expansion of 
rehabilitation services.

Neighborhoods like Sunnyside can be found in virtually every big city 
in the nation. Even as violent crime statistics trend downward, 
incarceration rates throughout the country remain at a historic high 
of 750 per 100,000 residents. Each year about 650,000 prisoners are 
released on parole, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Mapping studies in neighborhoods as distant as the Phoenix suburb of 
South Mountain and the Newhallville area of New Haven show 
incarceration rates far higher than the national rate.

The parolees are almost always coming back to areas where support 
systems, like schools and public assistance programs, receive less 
money and attention than incarceration does, the studies show. In an 
effort to break the cycle, Texas this fall began its expansion of 
services for former inmates, including job training classes, drug 
treatment programs and psychological counseling.

The approach, based in part on legislative presentations by the 
Justice Mapping Center, is a sharp departure from the state's 
longtime criminal justice focus on retribution.

The shift is intended to save the state money by slowing the 
revolving door between state prisons and neighborhoods like 
Sunnyside.  The parolees released last year cost the state $100 
million over the course of their prison terms; the 85 who returned to 
Sunnyside, population 21,000, accounted for almost $8 million of 
that, according to data by the mapping group.



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Pubdate: Fri, 23 Nov 2007
Source: Guardian, The (UK)
Copyright: 2007 Guardian Newspapers Limited
Author: Alan Travis, in Brussels
Referenced: The report

Britain Worst in EU on Child Drug Abuse, Report Finds

Adult Cocaine Use Rises, but Cannabis Levels Down

Evidence of a growing pre-teen drug problem in Britain emerged 
yesterday with research showing that one in seven children have tried 
cannabis before the age of 13.

The study, reported by the EU's drug agency, says there has been an 
explosion in the number of children under 15 going into drug 
treatment across Europe.

The annual report from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and 
Drug Addiction shows that the UK's drug problem among young teenagers 
is far worse than in any other EU country. The research shows that 
13% of British schoolchildren say they first tried cannabis before 
they were 13.  This is much higher than any other European country - 
it compares with 8% in the Netherlands and Ireland - and is more than 
three times the EU average.


The EU drugs agency also said that the growth of cocaine use in 
Britain and Spain had proved to be a precursor of a new boom in 
cocaine use across Europe.  The market has grown by a million new 
users in the past year alone, making it the second most popular 
illegal drug after cannabis.


Britain is no longer at the top of the European cannabis league among 
people aged 15-34, with 16.3% using it in the last year compared with 
20% for Spain, 19% for the Czech Republic and 16.5% for Italy.


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Pubdate: Fri, 23 Nov 2007
Source: National Post (Canada)
Copyright: 2007 Southam Inc.

We are glad to see the Conservative government using the excess 
lifespan donated by Her Majesty's Opposition to get tough on crime. 
But was it really necessary to include victimless acts among the list 
of crimes being targeted?

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson's new package of mandatory sentences 
for marijuana dealers, announced on Tuesday, seems to involve some 
perverse incentives.  Under the bill, a grower who is caught with 
between one and 200 plants and is found to have the intention of 
trafficking will receive a non-negotiable minimum of six months in 
prison, unless he can show that he is eligible for judicially ordered 
treatment under the auspices of a drug court. The maximum penalty for 
having a few pot plants on the premises will be increased to 14 years.

Certainly, this will discourage some small-time growers from dealing 
marijuana, since only a fraction of them now receive jail terms for a 
first offence.  But it's equally certain that it will encourage 
others to reason that they might as well go to prison for 199 plants 
as for five.

The government of British Columbia, which is where the effect of the 
new sentencing guidelines is likely to hit hardest, doesn't think the 
province is going to transform overnight into a utopia of 
temperance.  The provincial corrections department said on Wednesday 
that if Mr.  Nicholson's guidelines are enacted, it will probably 
have to find room in its jails for about 700 more marijuana growers 
per year -- people who are currently punished with house arrest or a 
fine.  And nobody is sure where these additional prisoners are going 
to be put, since 80% of provincial prisoners in B.C. are already 
double-bunked and the rest are either in protective custody or are 
too violent for a cellmate.


There are serious criminal problems to be tackled in this country -- 
such as those involving gangs and guns. Compared to these, marijuana 
is simply not on the risk radar screen. It is baffling that, at this 
point in history, any government in Ottawa would bring an 
American-style War on Drugs approach to Canada's small-scale marijuana growers.


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Pubdate: Thu, 22 Nov 2007
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2007 The Boston Herald, Inc
Note: By Herald staff and wire services

BOSTON - Advocates for decriminalizing marijuana in Massachusetts say 
they've collected more than enough signatures to get the initiative 
on next year's ballot.

Supporters say they filed about 105,000 signatures - far more than 
the 67,000 required.

The ballot question would impose civil, not criminal, penalties on 
anyone caught with 1 ounce or less of marijuana.

Backers say it would save millions in law enforcement costs and spare 
thousands from getting a criminal record.  Opponents say loosening 
drug laws sets a bad precedent.


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Domestic News- Policy

COMMENT: (5-8)

After spending yesterday recognizing all the things I am thankful for 
in my personal life, I was pleased to find several positive pieces in 
our archives to highlight.

A nod to presidential candidate John Edwards who discussed drug 
policy reform at a campus rally. Thousands of recovering addicts 
appreciate the safe haven being provided by the community of Delray 
Beach, Florida.  Many thanks to the ACLU for their preparation of a 
law suit against drug testing of Hawaiian public school teachers. 
Closing this section with immense gratitude to Julie Stewart for all 
the work she has done towards reforming our incredibly unjust 
mandatory minimum laws.

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Pubdate: Tue, 20 Nov 2007
Source: Des Moines Register (IA)
Author: Tony Leys, Register Staff Writer

Grinnell, Ia. - America needs to reconsider its punitive approach to 
"the so-called war on drugs," presidential candidate John Edwards 
said here today.

"We're not going to build enough prisons to solve this problem," he 
told a crowd of about 800 at Grinnell College.

The former North Carolina senator grinned when a young man sitting 
behind him on stage asked about drug policy.  "Only on college 
campuses," Edwards joked before answering.

He said he's especially concerned about mandatory minimum sentences 
for first-time drug offenders, which he said should be reconsidered. 
He added that too few drug offenders get treatment.

"You go to jail, you come out of jail, and a lot of people go right 
back to the environment that got them in trouble to begin with," he 
said.  "...We need to get them the help that they need; if they need 
education, if they need job training, if they need drug rehabilitation."

He also said he favored drug courts, in which non-violent offenders 
often are given alternatives to prison. And he said he would beef up 
the probation system, so probation officers aren't each expected to 
oversee hundreds of cases.



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Pubdate: Fri, 16 Nov 2007
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2007 The New York Times Company
Author: Jane Gross
Note: Terry Aguayo contributed reporting from Miami.


Delray Beach, a funky outpost of sobriety between Fort Lauderdale and 
West Palm Beach, is the epicenter of the country's largest and most 
vibrant recovery community, with scores of halfway houses, more than 
5,000 people at 12-step meetings each week, recovery radio shows, a 
recovery motorcycle club and a coffeehouse that boasts its own therapy group.

Recovery communities are springing up outside the walls of rehab 
centers for alumni seeking the safety in numbers.

The prototype community is in Minnesota, near the Hazelden clinic. 
But recovering substance abusers are also sinking roots in Arizona, 
Southern California and the Gold Coast of Florida -- places with more 
sizzle and better weather.  Lindsay Lohan spoke hopefully of finding 
eternal rehab in the Wasatch mountains of Utah, near Provo, where 
some graduates of her latest drug treatment center have moved.

Delray Beach is in a class by itself, experts say, because of its 
compact geography and critical mass of recovering addicts who cross 
paths daily in the shops and bistros along Atlantic Avenue. They fly 
beneath the radar of tourists oblivious to telltale signs of 
addiction, like unapologetic chain smoking. But they see one another 


It is difficult to count the recovery population here because only 
residential treatment beds are licensed by the state. As of Nov. 1, 
almost 3,500 people were being treated as in-patients in Palm Beach, 
Broward and Miami-Dade Counties in southeastern Florida, by far the 
largest concentration in the state.

Halfway houses, by contrast, are unregulated.  But Dr. Jonas said 
there were about 1,200 halfway house beds in this city alone. With 
rent averaging $175 a week, these businesses generate almost $11 
million a year.

Low-wage jobs for people in recovery are plentiful in a tourist 
economy.  Recovering addicts make smoothies at Ben and Jerry's, and 
sell housewares at Crate and Barrel. Among the current worker bees 
are an executive chef and a professional baseball player, both busing tables.


Typically modest bungalows, halfway houses provide structure and 
supervision -- curfews, random urine tests, the requirement that 
tenants have jobs and attend meetings. Still, unscrupulous owners 
prey on tenants by "flipping" the same bed, insisting on several 
months' rent up front, then evicting someone for rules violations and 
re-renting the room.  Some owners also put rule-breakers out on the 
curb, with no alternative housing, which can lead to crime and an 
outcry from neighborhood homeowners.

A movement to ban halfway houses in residential neighborhoods has so 
far been unsuccessful, with courts ruling that such restrictions 
violate the Americans with Disability Act.  The association of 
halfway-house owners is trying self-regulation, and its members are 
required to find a placement for an evicted tenant, often at a 
discounted rate in a motel Dr. Jonas owns.



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Pubdate: Fri, 16 Nov 2007
Source: Honolulu Star-Bulletin (HI)
Copyright: 2007 Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Author: B. J. Reyes

The ACLU of Hawaii Intends to File Suit on Behalf of Teachers

A civil rights group says it has been contacted by more than 200 
teachers who are interested in being part of a federal lawsuit 
challenging a new policy that calls for random drug tests for public 
school teachers.

Carlie Ware, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union's 
Drug Law Reform Project, said the organization is interviewing 
potential plaintiffs and aims to file the lawsuit by January.


The ACLU of Hawaii says the policy is unconstitutional, and had 
threatened legal action in a letter to Gov. Linda Lingle last month, 
asking her to scrap the policy by yesterday or face a lawsuit.


The policy was added as a non-negotiable item in a contract ratified 
last spring by the 13,000-member Hawaii State Teachers Association. 
In May, 61.3 percent of more than 8,000 union members approved the 
contract, which also provided 4 percent raises in the current and 
next school years.

Attorney General Mark Bennett has said the ratification makes any 
legal challenge moot.  The ACLU argues that teachers' constitutional 
right to privacy cannot be negotiated into a contract.



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Pubdate: Tue, 20 Nov 2007
Source: Washington Post (DC)
Copyright: 2007 The Washington Post Company
Author: Avis Thomas-Lester, Washington Post Staff Writer

D.C.  Group Helps Win Relaxed Penalties

Julie Stewart was sitting at her desk at a think tank in the District 
17 years ago when her telephone rang. It was her brother calling to 
say he had been busted for growing marijuana.

"How stupid," she recalled thinking.  She figured he would get off 
with a relatively light punishment -- perhaps a little jail time, 
maybe probation.  After all, she reasoned, he had no record. And it 
was "only" marijuana.

Instead, for cultivating 365 six-inch marijuana plants, Stewart's 
brother received five years in federal prison, a sentence Stewart 
considered harsh.

"I was astounded," said Stewart, 51, of Chevy Chase. "We are putting 
people in prison with sentence lengths that used to be reserved for 
the most violent offenders."

That was Stewart's introduction to the nation's mandatory minimum 
sentencing laws, which dictated how much time her brother would spend 
behind bars.  Anguish over that sentence led her to establish 
Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM), one of several advocacy 
groups credited with persuading the U.S.  Sentencing Commission 
recently to relax the penalties prescribed for some crack cocaine offenses.


A self-described libertarian, Stewart said she believes lawbreakers 
should face penalties. But the time, she said, should fit the crime.

"I think it's easy for members of Congress to forget how long 10 
years is," Stewart said.  "Sentences have gotten so inflated in the 
last 20 years that we no longer think about what that means to the 
person serving the sentence or their family."

Besides fighting to get mandatory minimums repealed, FAMM also works 
to change some states' sentencing laws and serves as a resource for 
organizations across the country.



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Law Enforcement & Prisons

COMMENT: (9-12)

The one year anniversary of a botched drug raid, which ended in the 
death of a 92-year-old woman, gave the Atlanta Journal-Constitution 
an opportunity to provide updates in several articles.  I have 
selected one covering the newly-formed narcotics squad and another 
addressing the family's civil suit.

While not quite singing LEAP phrases, it appears that Baltimore's 
newest police commissioner will be concentrating his resources on 
violent crime.  In a recent Baltimore Sun interview he called for 
increased funding for quality drug treatment and outlined some 
refreshing policy ideas.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. gets the Law Enforcement 
Blunder of the Year Award with this quote: "If you're going to fire 
every cop who violates the Constitution," Clarke explained, "we're 
not going to have many left."

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Pubdate: Wed, 21 Nov 2007
Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution (GA)
Copyright: 2007 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Author: Cameron McWhirter

On the eve of the one-year anniversary of the worst scandal to hit 
the Atlanta Police Department in his four years as leader, Chief 
Richard Pennington announced that the department's newly revamped 
anti-drug section is "the best-trained narcotics unit in the Southeast."

With Mayor Shirley Franklin by his side, Pennington said the Nov. 21, 
2006, police killing of Kathryn Johnston, 92, in her home on the 
city's northwest side was a tragedy that "tore at the heart of the 
community" and caused an overhaul of police training and procedures 
to ensure such a thing doesn't happen again.


The reborn unit -- doubled from 15 officers to 30 -- has been up and 
running since the first week of October, Pennington said.


At his news conference at police headquarters, Pennington detailed 
his overhaul of the narcotics unit, including replacing everyone in 
the entire unit and putting the new officers through extensive 
training from outside police agencies.

Other APD narcotics changes include:

* "No-knock" search warrants must be approved by a major.

* Search warrants must be approved by a lieutenant.

* Drugs seized must be field-tested.

* Officers conducting raids will wear special uniforms, not street clothes.

* Narcotics unit officers will be interviewed annually and given 
random drug tests.

* Informants receiving money for information will have to be paid in 
the presence of a supervisor.



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Pubdate: Thu, 22 Nov 2007
Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution (GA)
Copyright: 2007 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Author: Cameron McWhirter, Saeed Ahmed, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The family of the 92-year-old woman fatally shot in a botched police 
raid filed a civil suit against the city and the Police Department on 
Wednesday, the one-year anniversary of a police killing that shocked 
the nation.


The suit, filed in Fulton County Court by Johnston's family, does not 
specify a dollar amount, but Markel Hutchins, an Atlanta minister who 
is serving as a spokesman for the estate, said the family would 
consider anything less than a multimillion-dollar settlement an insult.

As a comparison, Hutchins cited a reverse-discrimination lawsuit that 
awarded $17 million to seven white Fulton County librarians who were 
ousted from their jobs and said the circumstances in that case were 
"far less egregious."


The suit charges the corrupt practices of the Police Department led 
to violations of the U.S. Constitution and state law.

It names the city of Atlanta, Pennington and individual officers 
involved in the fateful raid on Johnston's home.

The officers named include Gregg Junnier and Jason Smith, who have 
both pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and other state charges 
in the incident.

They face sentencing soon.

It also names Arthur Tesler, who has been indicted on federal charges 
in the case, and two supervisors involved in the raid, Sgt. W.T. 
Stallings and Lt. Stacie Gibbs.


Police had raided Johnston's northwest Atlanta house using a warrant 
obtained with false testimony from an informant. They obtained a 
"no-knock" search warrant, meaning they could enter the house without warning.

A fearful Johnston apparently thought the police were criminals and 
brought out an old gun to stop the intruders. She fired one shot and 
missed.  Police fired 39 times, fatally injuring her and wounding 
other officers.

They handcuffed Johnston as she lay dying, and then several officers 
attempted to plant marijuana in the house to cover up the mistake. 
They falsified reports to make it look as though drug dealing had 
occurred in the house.

The fiasco caused national headlines and led to a hiatus of almost a 
year on police efforts to shut down drug houses. The city's reborn 
narcotics unit, made up of entirely new officers, began investigating 
drug houses in October.



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Pubdate: Mon, 19 Nov 2007
Source: Baltimore Sun (MD)
Copyright: 2007 The Baltimore Sun Company
Author: Gus G. Sentementes, Sun Reporter


Here are excerpts from a 45-minute interview with Bealefeld, during 
which he questioned how the drug war is being fought and policies of 
predecessors that led to thousands of questionable arrests:

Fighting drugs: Can anyone in this country say the war on drugs has 
been a success? If they can, I really don't know who they are. ... 
We've had victories here and there.  But have we solved the drug 
problem in America?

We can't be overwhelmed by the notion of drug enforcement. The fact 
of the matter is old strategies, a drug arrest, in the scheme of 
things, was ranked as high as some other arrests, because the problem 
was mounted so high on our radar screen. Drugs, drugs, drugs, 
drugs.  So cops, a lot of these guys came through their careers 
thinking, "Man, I got to attack this drug problem ... " We can't do 
that and give burglars and car thieves and robbers a pass.


Drug treatment: I can tell you this ... without trepidation: We need 
real investments - and there have been incremental investments - 
there needs to be real, real work on drug treatment in this city. 
That has to be done. And we need to come to grips with that. We need 
real treatment programs, and they have to be effective. That is as 
important as holding me accountable for arresting more drug 
offenders. It can't be one or the other



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Pubdate: Thu, 15 Nov 2007
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI)
Copyright: 2007 Journal Sentinel Inc.
Author: Daniel Bice

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. was rightfully angry the 
other day at officials who shrugged their shoulders after a felon on 
probation recently failed two drug tests. Clarke went so far as to 
call Judge Joe Donald "soft."

It was easy to identify with the tough-talking sheriff's frustration.

But now the question must be asked of Clarke: Why did he use such a 
light touch himself with a half-dozen deputies who violated 
department policy - and the U.S. Constitution - by entering an empty 
house without a warrant?

Recall that two of the deputies were less than honest about the 
improper search in their reports, and county prosecutors have said 
they won't use the pair on the stand again.

All six walked with nothing more than a written reprimand and some 
training on the Fourth Amendment.

"If you're going to fire every cop who violates the Constitution," 
Clarke explained, "we're not going to have many left."

Read that again.  It's just a stunning admission for a guy who likes 
to talk about his high standards.



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Cannabis & Hemp

COMMENT: (13-16)

As in the U.S., British youngsters are being referred to treatment in 
greater numbers for cannabis dependence. It seems many depend on 
cannabis to ameliorate anxiety and psychological disorders stemming 
from dysfunctional upbringings.

Seemingly oblivious to the U.S. experience, Canada's conservative 
government tabled legislation last week that would impose mandatory 
minimum prison sentences for various drug crimes, including cannabis 

It appears the Michigan Coalition for Compassionate Care has gathered 
more than enough signatures to put a medicinal cannabis initiative on 
the 2008 ballot. If the measure is certified and passed by a majority 
of voters, it will allow patients to use, possess, and grow their own 
with a doctors' approval.

A Denver judge may have cleared the way for compassion clubs in 
Colorado by striking down a health department policy which limited 
caregivers to five patients or less.

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Pubdate: Sun, 18 Nov 2007
Source: Independent on Sunday (UK)
Copyright: Independent Newspapers Ltd.
Author: Brian Brady and Nina Lakhani

Family breakdown and school exclusion are just two factors that are 
turning Britain's youngsters into drug abusers, especially of 
cannabis.  Last year, more than 9,000 went into treatment - an 
increase of 20 per cent.

Thousands of British children are receiving treatment for drug abuse 
as stresses including family breakdown and expulsion from school fuel 
a rise in young people appealing for help with their addictions.

Official figures obtained by The Independent on Sunday have revealed 
that more than 9,000 children aged as young as nine entered treatment 
for drug problems in England last year.  The total, revealed by 
health ministers, was up a fifth on the figure for 2005-06.

More than half the young people in residential treatment units or 
reporting to GPs and community action teams list cannabis as the main 
drug they are abusing. But, in a disturbing signal that abuse of 
class A drugs is creeping into Britain's playgrounds, the proportion 
of young people in treatment listing cannabis as their principal drug 
is falling.

The latest Department of Health figures come only days after the 
school inspection organisation, Ofsted, warned that one in seven 12- 
to 15-year-olds had tried illegal drugs.

Experts warned that the rising toll of disclosed drug problems did 
not tell the full story, as many youngsters were suffering in silence 
- - or refusing to accept that their drug use had become a 
problem.  But they insisted that the most of the youngsters involved 
were turning to drugs in a desperate attempt to deal with a mountain 
of problems.


Drugscope spokesman Harry Shapiro said the rise was closely linked to 
an increase in the stresses facing Britain's youth, documented in a 
shocking United Nations survey that put the UK bottom of an 
international table of child well-being.



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Pubdate: Wed, 21 Nov 2007
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2007 The Vancouver Sun
Authors: Richard Foot, Canwest News Service, Kelly Sinoski, Vancouver Sun

OTTAWA -- The Conservative government unveiled legislation Tuesday to 
create the first mandatory prison terms in Canada for people 
convicted of trafficking illicit drugs, including those who grow 
marijuana for profit.

The proposed changes are the newest chapter in the Harper 
government's sweeping crackdown on crime, which includes bills before 
Parliament to toughen rules for repeat violent offenders, to keep 
accused young offenders in jail before their trials, and now, to 
impose automatic prison penalties on serious drug offenders.

Canada's Controlled Drugs and Substances Act has no mandatory prison 
sentences.  Judges use their own discretion about whether to send 
drug pushers and growers to jail.

The new bill proposes:

A mandatory six-month sentence for growing as little as one marijuana 
plant for the purposes of trafficking, sure to be felt in B.C., where 
marijuana-growing operations are common and fines are the usual penalty.

A two-year mandatory term for running a marijuana-growing operation 
of 500 plants or more.

A doubling of the maximum prison term for cannabis production from 
seven to 14 years.


Vancouver's "Prince of Pot," Marc Emery, said he was alarmed by the 
news, and it will clog the courts and jails.

"You can never beat organized crime as long as you have prohibition," 
Emery said.  "If we just legalized these drugs and distributed them 
to addicts, we'd see an evaporation of organized crime."

Eugene Oscapella, a criminal lawyer who teaches drug policy at the 
University of Ottawa, said decades of experience with tough, 
mandatory penalties in the United States have proven that the threat 
of prison terms doesn't deter drug traffickers or growers.


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Pubdate: Wed, 21 Nov 2007
Source: Detroit Free Press (MI)
Copyright: 2007 Detroit Free Press
Authors: Dawson Bell and Naomi R. Patton, Free Press Staff Writers

LANSING -- Michigan residents may get a chance to vote next fall on 
whether to decriminalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes, 
after supporters of the idea submitted nearly a half-million petition 
signatures to state elections officials Tuesday.

The Michigan Coalition for Compassionate Care claimed to have 
gathered the signatures of 496,000 registered voters, far in excess 
of the 304,000 required to put the issue before the Legislature and, 
if no action is taken, to state voters.

Dianne Byrum, a former state legislator from Ingham County now 
working with the coalition, said the use of medical marijuana enjoys 
broad support around the country and in Michigan.

Twelve states allow citizens some access to medical marijuana, giving 
seriously ill patients the right to use the drug, mainly for pain 
relief.  They also may be able to grow it. Voters in five cities in 
Michigan -- Detroit, Flint, Ann Arbor, Ferndale and Traverse City -- 
have approved similar ordinances in recent years.

But use and possession of marijuana for any purpose remains illegal 
under state and federal laws.

Byrum said the Michigan initiative has been narrowly crafted to 
restrict marijuana use to people who have specific, serious illnesses 
certified by physicians.  It has been endorsed in concept by 
resolution of the state Democratic Party, said Byrum, a former 
Democratic state senator and representative who runs a political 
consulting firm.



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Pubdate: Tue, 20 Nov 2007
Source: Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO)
Copyright: 2007 Denver Publishing Co.
Author: Sue Lindsay

Access to medical marijuana will be easier as a result of a ruling by 
a Denver judge.

District Judge Larry Naves last week overturned a state health 
department policy that restricted providers of medical marijuana to 
five patients.

The ruling endorses a settlement reached between the health 
department and attorneys for AIDS patient Damien LaGoy, who sued 
after his caregiver request was denied in May based on the five-patient rule.

The denial forced him to buy marijuana on the street, LaGoy said.

"I was in a very dangerous situation," LaGoy said at a news 
conference Monday.  "I was trying to get medical marijuana from some 
of the darkest spots in town, risking my life at times. I actually 
have been robbed once trying to find medical marijuana. Also, you 
never know what you're getting."


Naves granted an injunction this summer preventing the health 
department from enforcing the policy, which he said was adopted by 
the department in a closed meeting in 2004.

That ruling led to negotiations in which the state agreed not to 
enforce the five-patient rule and to notify patients, caregivers and 
others when considering policies affecting medical marijuana users.

Naves subsequently overturned the five-patient policy, saying its 
adoption violated the Colorado open meetings act.

"The health department just randomly selected five as the limit in a 
secret, clandestine meeting that was not open to patients or 
caregivers or doctors or the scientific community," said attorney 
Brian Vicente.



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International News

COMMENT: (17-20)

While political parties should be able to debate certain issues, 
debating the legalization of cannabis is off-limits, according to the 
European prohibitionist organization EURAD. Only "those who have a 
vested interest or are merely armchair generals" could debate the 
legalization of cannabis, said Grainne Kenny, EURAD spokesperson. 
Kenny made the remarks in a letter to Irish Labour Party leaders last 
week after the party attempted to simply debate the issue. "While 
cannabis is banned and criminalised, criminals will continue to 
supply it and young people and others will continue to use it and 
will be placed in the hands and control of criminals," noted Labour 
party official Emmett Stagg.

Usually, one country must conquer another before the victor may 
re-write the laws of the vanquished.  But Prohibitionists from 
Washington D.C.  have descended upon Mexico and are determined to 
re-write the Mexicans' drug laws for them. "The Bush administration's 
proposed counternarcotics aid package for Mexico would set in motion 
a vast reengineering of the country's justice system, revamping the 
legal education process." The $500 million carrot contains money for 
Mexican military and Mexican police, and anti-drug propaganda.

East of Mexico, in the West Indies, the nation of Trinidad and Tobago 
was rocked with allegations that "police officers are involved in the 
drug and guns trade in the Southern Division." Police Superintendent 
Chandrabhan Maharaj made the allegations last week.  The accusations 
came to light after Maharaj refused a promotion, citing the 
entrenched corruption as a reason.

Another year of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's occupation 
of the central Asian nation of Afghanistan, and another record bumper 
harvest of opium, especially troubling to the western occupying 
forces when it is grown in hostile Helmand province in the 
south.  While some have proposed simply buying the opium from Afghan 
farmers, UK PM Gordon Brown has another idea. Why not pay farmers for 
not growing opium? Reports did not say how it will be determined how 
much opium each farmer has not been growing.

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Pubdate: Mon, 19 Nov 2007
Source: Irish Independent (Ireland)
Copyright: Independent Newspapers (Ireland) Ltd
Author: Fionnan Sheahan

Anti-drugs campaigners yesterday criticised the Labour Party for even 
debating the legalisation of cannabis.

The party kicked to touch a call for the decriminalisation, 
regulation and taxation of the supply of marijuana and cannabis.

A motion at the party conference, supported by Labour chief whip 
Emmett Stagg, was passed on to the national executive for further 


"While cannabis is banned and criminalised, criminals will continue 
to supply it and young people and others will continue to use it and 
will be placed in the hands and control of criminals," he said.

But Europe Against Drugs (EURAD) spokeswoman, Grainne Kenny, in a 
letter to Labour leader Eamon Gilmore and deputy leader Joan Burton, 
criticised the debate.

"I am indeed surprised that the 'new' Labour Party is wasting 
precious time at your very important conference debating an issue 
that is wearing thin, except of course to those who have a vested 
interest or are merely armchair generals," she said.


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Pubdate: Sun, 18 Nov 2007
Source: Washington Post (DC)
Copyright: 2007 The Washington Post Company
Author: Manuel Roig-Franzia, Washington Post Foreign Service

MEXICO CITY -- The Bush administration's proposed counternarcotics 
aid package for Mexico would set in motion a vast reengineering of 
the country's justice system, revamping the legal education process, 
creating a network of court clerks and helping to write new laws, 
according to two summaries obtained by The Washington Post.

The $500 million plan would also fund anti-drug and human rights 
campaigns and new citizen complaint centers. It would provide money 
for efforts to develop "centers of moral authority" and for media 
campaigns to create "a culture of lawfulness."

Under the plan, which has drawn criticism from some on Capitol Hill, 
officials from the U.S.  Department of Justice, the U.S. Marshals 
Service and the Federal Bureau of Prisons would conduct training 
sessions and military officers would provide instruction related to aircraft.

Nearly every sector of Mexico's federal justice system would receive 
a slice of the proposed aid, with millions being doled out for 
equipment and training for prosecutors, federal police, prison 
managers and customs inspectors.  It would also give birth to new 
institutions: Money has been set aside, for instance, to help 
establish a training academy for drug-sniffing dogs and their handlers.


The documents include unusually blunt criticisms of Mexico, with one 
declaring that "there is widespread popular distrust within Mexico 
for its law enforcement institutions."


While the documents provide a trove of details about the drug plan, 
some areas are not fully fleshed out. Half a million dollars would be 
set aside for media campaigns designed to create a "culture of 
lawfulness" and for helping nongovernmental organizations develop 
"centers of moral authority." But the document does not define a 
center of moral authority.


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Pubdate: Thu, 22 Nov 2007
Source: Trinidad Express (Trinidad)
Copyright: 2007 Trinidad Express
Author: Richard Charan

Senior Officer Refuses Promotion

An investigation has been launched into claims made by a Police 
Superintendent that police officers are involved in the drug and guns 
trade in the Southern Division.

The allegation that rampant corruption exists in the division was 
made by Supt Chandrabhan Maharaj, in a letter written to Police 
Commissioner Trevor Paul.

In the letter, Maharaj, who is in charge of the Princes Town Police 
Station, refused to accept a promotion to the position of Acting 
Senior Superintendent in charge of the entire Southern Division 
because of the alleged crooked activities of police officers.



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Pubdate: Sat, 17 Nov 2007
Source: Independent  (UK)
Copyright: 2007 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Author: Colin Brown, Deputy Political Editor

The head of the UN's anti-narcotics unit has called on Nato forces to 
crack down on heroin production in Afghanistan -- a policy which 
contradicts proposals by the Brown government.

Gordon Brown will propose paying farmers more than they earn from 
their poppy harvests in return for ceasing to grow the crop when he 
makes a statement to the Commons in the next few weeks on his 
strategy for winning over Afghans and curbing the influence of the Taliban.

Thus far the British campaign to destroy poppy production has been an 
abject failure, according to the annual report of the UN Office on 
Drugs and Crime (UNODC).  The biggest growth area is in Helmand 
province, a Taliban stronghold, where British forces are fighting 
daily battles.

British and allied forces are looking at ways of targeting the heroin 
dealers by destroying drug factories inside Afghanistan. However, 
British ministers are keen to avoid alienating the farmers who are 
making a living out of the poppy crop.

That has caused tensions with the U.S. administration, which has been 
pressing Britain to support aerial spraying to destroy the crop.  But 
aerial spraying is opposed by Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai 
and a senior Downing Street official made it clear yesterday that Mr 
Brown will call for a more sympathetic approach to the farmers. "We 
have to work closely with the communities involved," he said.

Antonio Maria Costa, executive director of the UNODC, gave new 
figures showing Afghanistan's export of drugs to the West was 
fuelling the insurgency in Afghanistan. Releasing the final draft of 
its 2007 Afghan opium survey, the UNODC chief said poppy growth 
increased 17 per cent to 193,000 hectares and the growth in heroin 
production leapt a third to 8,200 tonnes.

The report shows that Afghanistan now accounts for 93 per cent of 
world opium production and is the biggest narcotics producer since 
19th-century China.  Helmand produces about half of the national 
output of heroin.  Farmers gained around $1bn (UKP 500m) from the 
total income from the heroin trade, estimated at $4bn, while district 
officials took a percentage through a levy on the crops. The rest was 
shared among insurgents, warlords and drugs traffickers, it said.

The wholesale price of a gram of heroin grew with every border 
crossed, it noted, rising from $2.50 in Afghanistan itself to $3.50 
in Pakistan and Iran, $8 in Turkey, $22 in Germany, $30 in Britain 
and $33 in Russia.

"The potential windfall for criminals, insurgents and terrorists is 
staggering and runs into the hundreds of millions of dollars," Mr Costa said.

"Since drugs are funding the insurgency, Nato has a self-interest in 
supporting Afghan forces in destroying drugs labs, markets and 
convoys.  Destroy the drug trade and you cut off the Taliban's main 
funding source."

Lord Malloch-Brown, the Foreign Office minister, told peers recently 
that the Department for International Development was preparing plans 
to provide long-term payments to farmers for stopping poppy 
production and growing alternative crops.

However, a British charity, the Senlis Council, is winning support 
from MPs for an alternative plan to buy up the annual poppy harvest 
for morphine, which is in short supply.


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Policy and Law Enforcement/Prison content selection and analysis by 
Jo-D Harrison  This Just In selection by Richard 
Lake  International content selection and analysis 
by Doug Snead  Cannabis/Hemp content selection 
and analysis, Hot Off The Net selection and Layout by Matt Elrod  Analysis comments represent the personal 
views of editors, not necessarily the views of DrugSense.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake