Pubdate: Sun, 25 Nov 2007
Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2007 Calgary Herald


Calgary police are still investigating a drug-related shooting in the
city's northeast Friday evening.

A bleeding 18-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound burst into a
home in the 100 block of Whiteridge Place N.E. looking for assistance
shortly after 6 p.m. Police said the man had staggered to the home
from a nearby school parking lot where his car was parked, but added
they were unsure were the shots were actually fired.

"The indications right now are that this is a drug deal gone bad,"
said Calgary police Duty Insp. Keith Pollock.

Pollock added investigators had not determined how many suspects they
were seeking.

The injured teen was taken to hospital in non-life threatening
condition. The incident is still under investigation.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake