Pubdate: Wed, 28 Nov 2007
Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Copyright: 2007 The Ottawa Citizen
Author: Celine Montigny


Hallelujah!, It's about time. A good slap is what they all need.

It is beyond me how the judges in this country cannot see what is 
staring the rest of us Canadians in the face. The reason the Harper 
government wants to set mandatory minimum jail terms is because the 
judges have not been doing the job that Canadians expect of them.

We believe that they have shown repeatedly that they favour criminals 
instead of the victims. Canadians often read that what should be a 
10-year term turns into a judge's five-year sentence.

A slap in the face for the judiciary is a big change from it always 
being the victim who gets the slap in the face from the court system.

All Canadians want is that if it's 10 years' minimum sentence for the 
crime, then judges should make it 10 years, not a day less.

I am disappointed by Mr. Gomery's attitude , but I am more disturbed 
by his message: criminals have nothing to fear in Canada.

Celine Montigny,

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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom