Pubdate: Sun, 04 Feb 2007
Source: Lethbridge Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2007 The Lethbridge Herald
Author: Roxanna Lamoureux



Re: Al Beeber column, Herald, Jan. 26.

It looks like someone was inhaling too much of that illicit smoke.

The further I read the farther my jaw dropped. The fact The Herald 
would print this article condoning the use of illegal drugs and 
smoking in a public place is absolutely despicable, outrageous and 

It doesn't matter if a person attended the concert or not. It's the 
message you are sending to our children and the community that 
partaking of illegal drugs and committing illegal acts is no big 
deal. You say it is better to do drugs than drink beer and fall down. 
Well, two wrongs don't make a right. All is OK for the sake of art?!

Many parents are trying desperately to teach their children drugs and 
smoking are harmful, dangerous and can kill and, yes, they are 
illegal. They don't need someone telling their children illegal 
substances are the lesser of two evils.

There are many, many artists of a variety of types who do not need to 
promote illicit substance and are capable of putting on fantastic and 
fun performances.

You say we should lighten up. I say, where is your sense of 
responsibility? We are trying to clean up this world for our children 
in so many aspects and you come up with verbal garbage OKing what 
went on at that concert.

We all know the concept of peace and love and the intelligent people 
are trying to bring that about and share it, but we also know illegal 
substances don't do this. There is nothing like the real thing!

I am curious to know what security was being paid for at this event. 
We all know what they weren't doing. Too much smoke to see, I guess.

Roxanna Lamoureux

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