Pubdate: Tue, 04 Dec 2007
Source: Fort Collins Coloradoan (CO)
Copyright: 2007 The Fort Collins Coloradoan
Author: Sara Reed
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal)


Couple Says Law Requires Medical Marijuana Be Maintained

It took 16 months, but a Fort Collins couple Monday finally retrieved 
the medical marijuana seized from their home in August 2006. But the 
battle is far from over.

The cultivation and possession charges against James and Lisa 
Masters, medical marijuana patients and caregivers for other 
patients, were dropped in June, but it wasn't until late last month 
that Chief District Court Judge James Hiatt ruled the police had to 
return the property.

What they got back, however, was dried, musty and moldy.

James Masters said he was "very, very happy to see this come to 
fruition," but he was sad to see the plants had not been maintained 
as required by law.

"This is a resounding, decisive victory for Colorado voters, 
compassion and medical marijuana," said Brian Vicente, one of the 
attorneys who represented the couple throughout the case.

Voters approved the amendment in November 2000. There are 14 states 
with medical marijuana laws.

The charges were dropped after Hiatt ruled that the search warrant 
used to seize the plants, growing equipment and paraphernalia 
resulted from an illegal search.

But none of the plants seized, including about 15 that were nearly 
ready for harvest, survived. The Masters' attorneys plan to go back 
to the judge later this month and request financial compensation for 
the destroyed plants, which could be valued at more than $100,000.

The couple could sue for the damages, but they're going to go to the 
judge first, Vicente said.

Police have said they don't have the resources to care for medical 
marijuana plants, something James Masters has offered to help them with.

Fort Collins police spokeswoman Rita Davis has said that, because the 
couple did not have valid medical marijuana certificates at the time 
of their arrest, the pot was treated like any other confiscation case.

The Masters' attorneys said the amendment is clear on the issue that 
all marijuana seized in connection with the claimed use of medical 
marijuana must be maintained.

"You'd expect the police to follow the law," said Rob Corry, 
co-counsel in the case.

The couple did not have medical marijuana certificates from the 
Colorado Department of Public Health and Safety at the time of their 
arrests, but James Masters advised that anyone with a doctor's 
recommendation for it should get their certificate before starting 
treatment. He acknowledged that some patients aren't comfortable with 
having their names in a state database.

"What I hope this really accomplishes is that (patients) realize the 
safety the department of health offers," James Masters said. "Before 
you do anything else, put that (doctor's) recommendation in the mail."

The couple said they plan to continue providing medical marijuana to 
their patients and building the medical marijuana community.

"We're here to provide safe, legal medicine," Lisa Masters said. 
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