Pubdate: Fri, 07 Dec 2007
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2007 Winnipeg Free Press
Bookmark: (Asset Forfeiture)


THE province is taking a second run at gang members and other 
supposed criminals who make money off their crimes.

In March 2004, the province gave the police authority to seize homes, 
cars, cash and other property owned by gang members or obtained by 
individuals in the process of breaking the law.

But in the 3.5 years since then, the Criminal Property Forfeiture Act 
hasn't resulted in a single cent being recovered.

Mainly, Chomiak has said, it's because the cops are too busy worrying 
about catching the bad guys and putting them behind bars, rather than 
trying to find out what property they own.

Chomiak on Thursday introduced amendments to the act to establish a 
new government unit to worry about finding the assets, determining if 
they can be seized and carrying out the seizure.

"We're going to set up our own special division within justice to do 
all the paperwork," said Chomiak.

He noted Ontario has recovered about $2 million from a similar law 
which has been in place for more than seven years.

The legislation will also give cabinet the authority to add 
additional uses for the fund later on.

That has Tory Justice Critic Gerald Hawranik worried the government 
is using this to set up a slush fund.

But he said he hopes this bill may actually have some effect on 
hitting gang members and criminals in their wallets.

"It's good to see the minister is going to do something about the act 
which has been a failure right from the get go," said Hawranik.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom