Pubdate: Mon, 17 Dec 2007
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2007, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Tom Godfrey, Sun Media
Bookmark: (Heroin)


Mounties Have Seized 50 Kilos This Year At Pearson Airport

The RCMP say they've seized a record 50 kilos of heroin  so far this
year being smuggled through Pearson airport  and destined for GTA streets.

The Mounties are concerned about a rise in heroin use  and are
cracking down on smugglers who try to bring the  drugs into the country.

"We have stopped a significant amount of heroin from  hitting the
streets," said Sgt. Frank Gougeon of the  force's airport drug squad.
"There seems to be a big  demand for the drug."

Police believe some of the seized heroin, which is  worth about $30
million, may have been bound for the  U.S. The RCMP and Canada Customs
usually seize between  10 and 25 kilos of heroin a year.

"We are looking at heroin smuggling more seriously than  before,"
Gougeon said. "It's simply because we are  seeing so much of it."

Police said most of the heroin is being smuggled from  the Golden
Triangle in Southeast Asia, and South  America.

"It's simply supply and demand," he said. "The couriers  are trying to
bring in larger loads than before."

Patrizia Giolti of the Canada Border Services Agency  said front-line
airport officers work hard to find and  seize the drugs from smugglers.

"This heroin was intercepted before it can hit the  streets," Giolti
said. "Keeping the community safe from  drugs is our goal."

Police suspect the increase of heroin use can be linked  to younger
users, who prefer smoking it than injecting  it.

The Mounties and Customs at Pearson have also seized  more than 100
kilos of cocaine and 20,000 kilos of the  east African drug khat.
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