Pubdate: Wed, 19 Dec 2007
Source: Rensselaer Republican, The (IN)
Copyright: 2007 The Rensselaer Republican
Author: Brandon Hatfield
Bookmark: (D.A.R.E.)
Bookmark: (Youth)


RENSSELAER -- Van Rensselaer Elementary fifth grade  students were honored 
yesterday for the achievements  they have made in the D.A.R.E. program over 
the last  nine weeks.

This year millions of school children around the world  will benefit from 
Drug Abuse Resistance Education,  (D.A.R.E.) the highly acclaimed program 
that gives kids  the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs,  gangs 
and violence.

"I like the D.A.R.E. program because it puts a  uniformed officer in the 
classroom," said Sheriff  Orville Perry. "This builds a good rapport."

Fifth grade students at Van Elementary have been  fortunate enough to have 
participated in the D.A.R.E.  program for the last 17 years.

"The D.A.R.E. program can only do so much but with the  positive 
reinforcement from parents it can go along  way," said Deputy Jason Wallace.

This will be Wallace's last year teaching the D.A.R.E.  program, but Perry 
promised that the program will not  die.

Over the last 17 years 9,000 fifth grade students have  been introduced to 
the D.A.R.E. program.

"The D.A.R.E. program began in 1983 in California, and  in 1990 became a 
part of Rensselaer," said Perry.

When the D.A.R.E. program first hit Rensselaer schools  it was under 
Sergeant Dave Schaetzel who worked with  the program for four years, but 
with limited funds and  man power Schaetzel stepped down and Sergeant Tim 
Bruce  took over.

"Tim was amazing. He managed to hold down the fort for  D.A.R.E. for eight 
years," said Perry. "He pulled  through and strived until something else 
came along, in  which the program got handed over to Deputy Jason  Wallace 
who has been doing it now for four years."

"The D.A.R.E. program has passed through many hands,  but it has been most 
difficult to keep going with  limited man power," said Perry. "Here we have 
one man  who travels to Van, Saint Augustine, Tri-County, KV,  and Saint 
Christian. That is 500 students and 22 classes which is a lot to keep up with."

The D.A.R.E. program is designed to build life skills  to help them resist 
the peer pressures involved in  schools today.

"The D.A.R.E. program is an excellent program that  really needs to proceed 
into the future," said Wallace.  "I will try my best to make sure that it 
will  continue."

The D.A.R.E. program is run strictly on funds and  donations. If anyone 
would like to make a donation or  inquire about the D.A.R.E. program 
contact Sheriff  Orville Perry at 866-7334.

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By Morgan Garrity

The first words my D.A.R.E. officer said to us was  "Hello Everyone!" I was 
thinking this program was going  to be a walk in the park, but it turned 
out that  D.A.R.E. filled me with facts about drugs and alcohol,  what they 
were and what they do to your body. I have learned about response styles 
and the five types of  peer pressure.

As the days rolled on the facts from D.A.R.E. filled my  head. Did you know 
that there are two hundred known  poisons in cigarette smoke alone? I 
didn't, but it's  those little facts that have impacted me in a way 
that  has convinced me to stay away from things that harm my body.

I believe D.A.R.E. is important because it teaches kids  the effect of drug 
and alcohol abuse. It is also  important because it teaches kids about how 
to stay  away from situations where drugs and alcohol are present and if 
you're in those situations D.A.R.E.  teaches you how to get out of them easily.

The facts that I learned in D.A.R.E. were unbelievable.  Did you know that 
alcohol advertisers put ads on baby  bibs? The advertisers put colorful 
creatures on the ads  and they attract kids of all ages. Tobacco 
advertisers  put pictures to show that when you smoke you're cool!  (Which 
isn't true).

I have learned so much through D.A.R.E. Like how three  thousand 
non-smokers die each year from breathing in  other people's cigarette 
smoke! D.A.R.E. has taught me  how to stop and think through things before 
I do them.  I Morgan Garrity pledge to be drug and alcohol free 
and  forever make wise decisions.
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