Pubdate: Tue, 25 Dec 2007
Source: Press Democrat, The (Santa Rosa, CA)
Copyright: 2007 The Press Democrat
Author: Matt Peyer


EDITOR: I couldn't help but notice the influx of articles published 
in The Press Democrat regarding marijuana in the last few months.

I really never thought of marijuana as being a dangerous drug, 
whether used as a recreational drug or as a treatment for those who 
are ill and use it to relieve pain and discomfort. This in and of 
itself does not concern me.

What does concern me is that there is a trend. Guns and violence 
surround the act of growing and distributing this drug. People get 
killed, violent acts occur, there are police chases including one -- 
involving a semi-automatic weapon -- that began in Windsor and ended 
in Forestville. One young man was beaten and put in a coma. Are we 
all feeling safe now? How do you feel about the guy next door growing 
marijuana even though he may be doing it with good intentions? Should 
he be allowed to do this even though it puts you, your children or 
grandchildren at risk?

Personally, I don't want one of these operations going on next door 
to me. I like to feel safe at home. I want my loved ones to be safe. 
There are plenty of safety concerns in this life without the ones 
lurking in your neighbor's back yard, garage or indoor garden.


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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom