Pubdate: Tue, 25 Dec 2007
Source: Press, The (York, UK)
Copyright: 2007 Newsquest Media Group
Author: Helen Gabriel
Bookmark: (Drug Testing)


DRUG and alcohol testing for police officers in North  Yorkshire has 
been hailed a resounding success.

So far, 227 of the 1,600 serving officers at North  Yorkshire Police 
have been put through the tests during  random visits to police 
stations across all areas of  the force including the headquarters at 
Newby Wiske -  and every test has been negative.

Officers of all ranks from PC right up to Assistant  Chief Constable 
have been tested since the launch of  the scheme in June this year. A 
further 49 transferees,  support staff and special constable recruits 
have been  tested for drugs and all those tests have also proved  to 
be negative.

There have been no new police officer recruits since  the testing was 
introduced, but all future new recruits  will be tested.

John Fowler, the force's Substance Misuse Liaison  Officer, said: 
"The scheme is working very well and has  been welcomed and supported 
across all areas of the  force. We are pleased with the results so far.

"The scheme reinforces our commitment to maintaining  the highest 
professional standards expected of us by  the public we serve."

The Press told in April how the force was to become one  of the first 
in the country to bring in testing for  alcohol and illegal drugs for 
officers of all ranks.  Individuals found with more than 13 
micrograms of  alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath will be 
"regarded  as being impaired in their ability to perform their  role" 
- - despite the drink-drive limit being 35  micrograms.

Officers in "safety critical" or vulnerable posts,  probationary 
officers and new starters will all face  testing, as well as people 
who the force has reason to  suspect is misusing drugs or alcohol.

Chief Constable Grahame Maxwell and Deputy Chief  Constable Adam 
Briggs were among the first to undergo  testing, along with 
representatives from the North  Yorkshire branch of the Police 
Federation, as the  scheme was launched in June.

The tests are being carried out by an independent  company. They 
randomly select the day and time of  testing, which can occur at any 
time including weekends  and out of office hours.

A computer programme randomly selects the officers who  will be 
required for testing.
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