Pubdate: Sat, 29 Dec 2007
Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, CA)
Copyright: 2007 Los Angeles Newspaper Group
Referenced: The Monitoring the Future survey
Bookmark: (Students - United States)


There's welcome news about young peoples' healthy choices.

The kids (most of them) are all right (mostly). Twenty-first century 
American teenagers may be pudgier than in the past, but they're less 
likely to abuse drugs, get drunk, smoke, commit a violent crime or 
get pregnant.

The annual Monitoring the Future survey reported generally good news 
for eighth-, 10th- and 12th-graders. In particular, eighth-graders 
are making wiser health choices.

In 1996, 21 percent of eighth-graders were smokers; that's dropped to 
7 percent. Meanwhile, disapproval of smoking has soared.

"If this change in attitude is carried with them throughout the rest 
of their teen years, we could see a dramatic drop in smoking-related 
deaths in their generation," said Nora D. Volkow, director of the 
National Institute on Drug Abuse, which co-sponsors the survey.

Illegal drug use has been declining steadily for all age groups, led 
by large drops in the use of methamphetamines and marijuana.

However, prescription drug abuse is increasing: 15.4 percent of 
12th-graders abuse medications. In addition, binge drinking - five or 
more drinks in a row in the two weeks before the survey - remains 
high. An alarming 21.9 percent of 10th-graders and 25.9 percent of 
12th-graders admit to a binge.

Despite lurid news stories - six Las Vegas students shot at a school 
bus stop - teen violence rates have declined sharply since the '90s.

The teen birth rate, which fell significantly for 14 years, climbed 
again in 2006.

The clearest problem is childhood and teen obesity, which tripled 
from 1980 to 2000: About 15 percent of young people 6 to 19 years old 
are overweight. While adult obesity rates have leveled off, kids are 
still gaining.

Many schools are starting to clear high-sugar snacks from the vending 
machines, serve less macaroni surprise in the cafeteria and ramp up 
physical education.

But there's a limit to what can be done at school or through media 
campaigns. Children's well-being starts at home, whether through diet 
or more closely monitoring those prescription drugs. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake