Pubdate: Thu, 08 Feb 2007
Source: Lethbridge Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2007 The Lethbridge Herald
Author: Kara Smith



I have heard the recent babble about the use of drugs and 
encouragement of drug use at a recent concert and I am not mentioning 
the singer's name because it just doesn't matter who was on stage.

Drug use has been present at concerts for too many years to count and 
I've been disgusted with the smell at concerts I have attended, but I 
choose to ignore it in favour of enjoying what I paid so handsomely 
to see and hear.

There are those who do and those who don't and until the government 
decides on stiffer laws and ways to enforce, we have to learn to 
co-exist. If you still want a simple solution, why not put some dogs 
to work at the entrance? I'm sure they would weed out the bad ones 
(no pun intended, of course).

I think the ones complaining are overlooking the most important fact. 
When you drop your kids off at a concert, any concert, as a parent 
you know what may be present at these types of events and then the 
only question is whether you raised your kids properly with enough 
brains to say no and to watch their drinks at all times. If parents 
have done their best to instill good values in their kids, they 
should be able to feel secure in letting them attend such events.

I think if Lethbridge parents want to be concerned about something; 
it should be their kids' whereabouts and actions when they are not at 
home. Shoplifting, vandalism and teenage pregnancy seem rampant here 
in Lethbridge. What do you put first, work or being a parent? It's 
time to start checking in with your kids.

Kara Smith

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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman