Pubdate: Sat, 10 Feb 2007
Source: Murfreesboro Post, The (TN)
Copyright: 2007 The Murfreesboro Post
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)
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U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon's legislation designed to stem the scourge of 
methamphetamine in the nation's communities cleared the U.S. House of 
Representatives today.

"We have a duty to protect innocent families not only from the 
criminals who make and use this illegal drug, but also from the 
aftereffects of that crime," said Gordon, Chairman of the House 
Committee on Science and Technology.

The House approved H.R. 365, the Methamphetamine Remediation Research 
Act of 2007, and the bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Gordon said he became aware of the severity of Tennessee's 
methamphetamine problem several years ago when speaking with a group 
of students in Middle Tennessee.

"I asked a group of Cannon County High School students to tell me 
about the biggest problem facing them," said Gordon. "Their response 
shocked me. Those young men and women weren't concerned with getting 
a date to the prom; they were worried about meth abuse in their community."

Gordon's bill will help communities clean up former meth labs by 
requiring the Environmental Protection Agency to develop model, 
voluntary, health-based clean-up guidelines for states and localities 
to use to ensure former meth labs are safe and livable.

In 2005 alone, the Drug Enforcement Administration reported seizing 
more than 850 meth labs in Tennessee.

The chemicals used to make this extremely addictive drug are highly 
toxic and can infuse the walls, carpet and furniture of any house, 
apartment, hotel room, or dwelling in which the drug was 
manufactured. Unsuspecting families who later inhabit former meth lab 
sites are then exposed to the chemical residues, which can result in 
potentially devastating long-term health problems.

"Meth production and use is rampant in Tennessee and in states across 
the country," said Gordon. "I have seen the devastating effects of 
meth in our communities, and I know this bill will make a difference 
back home."

The legislation authorizes the National Institute of Standards and 
Technology to initiate a research program to develop meth detection 
equipment for field use. Such equipment will help local law 
enforcement agencies and first responders detect active meth labs 
faster and assist in measuring contamination levels. The legislation 
also requires a study by the National Academy of Sciences on the 
long-term health impacts on first responders and on children rescued 
from meth labs.

The bill has been endorsed by numerous national organizations 
including the National Sheriffs' Association, the National 
Association of Counties and the National Association of Realtors.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman