Pubdate: Tue, 13 Feb 2007
Source: Dominion Post, The (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2007 The Dominion Post
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


Prime Minister Helen Clark has dampened down expectations of an 
immediate change to medicinal cannabis laws, saying Health Ministry 
advice should not be read as a "major endorsement" of its use.

Miss Clark also made it clear that the ministry came down against the 
use of leaf cannabis to ease pain, as the release of new papers 
raises fresh debate over what has become a politically contentious issue.

She said there "may be something" to the use of a special nasal spray 
containing THC and other extracts from the cannabis plant, which is 
being tested in Britain. But, while the British pharmaceutical 
company testing the spray Sativex was happy to supply it for clinical 
trials in New Zealand, "they've never applied for approval of it".

The Misuse of Drugs Act allows doctors to apply for special approval 
from the health minister to prescribe cannabis for a patient under their care.

But that is dependent on cannabis being available in an appropriate 
medicinal form.

The Dominion Post revealed yesterday that health authorities had 
acknowledged that there was enough evidence to support the use of 
cannabis on compassionate grounds.

In an October briefing paper to Health Minister Pete Hodgson, the 
ministry said there was "sufficient evidence of safety and efficacy 
of cannabis in some medical conditions" to support consideration of 
compassionate, controlled use.

Miss Clark said her reading of the Health Department paper was that 
it was "not a major endorsement of the use of cannabis".

"They have had approval in Canada for (Sativex) as a treatment 
related to the relief of pain from multiple sclerosis, so there may 
be something in it, but we simply haven't had an application."

Some Labour MPs are known to support medicinal cannabis use, but the 
issue is fraught because of Labour's support arrangements with other 
parties like United Future, which opposes the decriminalisation of 
cannabis, but has an open mind about medicinal use.

Green MP Metiria Turei said she had a bill decriminalising medicinal 
cannabis that was awaiting further information. "It is a health issue 
to some extent, but for patients who are likely to die ... really, 
the risk of smoking is completely irrelevant."

Mrs Turei said she believed there was growing support for the 
medicinal use of cannabis, but had no undertakings from any party to 
back the bill to select committee.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman