Pubdate: Wed, 14 Feb 2007
Source: Havre Daily News (MT)
Copyright: 2007 Havre Daily News
Author: Elizabeth Doney
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


Experienced law enforcement officials are coming to Havre to share 
their knowledge with locals and strengthen their fight against the 
devastating drug methamphetamine. A three-day course titled 
"Methamphetamine Response and Investigation" will specifically 
address and localize collaboration protocol for meth users and 
dealers in north-central Montana.

Hosted by highly recommended professional Lamar Associates trainers 
with years of experience in policing, patrol, administration and 
detective division, the course provides proactive field interview 
techniques, surveillance, search warrants, arrest procedures and 
developing drug cases.

"We have people that were fortunate to attend the Methamphetamine 
Investigation and Response quality training in Billing on Jan.18," 
Matthew Pryor, special agent in charge of the Bureau of Indian 
Affairs Office of Justice Services in Billings, said. "The training 
enhanced our abilities, gave our officers a lot more insight, and 
expanded on their abilities. This course helped in our investigation 
on a drug case that lead to a bust on Jan. 20. Since that bust, we 
have progressed on others cases and a lot of it has to do with this training."

While the course is designed for law enforcement, educators, criminal 
justice, social services, community members and leaders, anybody 
wanting to join the aggressive fight against methamphetamine can 
attend. Participants will receive a wealth of knowledge to mitigate 
the flow of drugs in their community and a free resource kit that 
will help them in their efforts.

"It's a skill building workshop on a topic that affects all 
communities. Participants will gain the knowledge, skills and 
resources to address meth abuse in their communities," Steven K. 
Juneau, Lamar Associates director of the Training Division and a 
nationally recognized trainer said. "Lamar has been at the forefront 
of new, creative solutions and approaches that communities find 
effective in their struggles against meth."

Tribal council members Jonathan Windy Boy of Rocky Boy and Patty 
Carrywater of Fort Belknap are expected to attend.

The first general session begins at the Great Northern Inn in Havre 
next Wednesday at 8 a. m. with an introduction to the effects of 
methamphetamine use. Through an interactive process participants will 
identify and develop a collaborative multi-disciplinary approach to 
coalition development to address methamphetamine. Thursday, from 8 
a.m. to noon, a combined general session and law enforcement track 
will convene. From 1 to 5 p.m. a law enforcement track with sworn 
personnel only will begin. The law enforcement session provides skill 
building courses for officers to employ all available resources to 
address meth users and dealers.

Presenter Ronald W. Glensor, Ph.D., has more than 31 years of 
policing experience and has authored Hope and Harmony: How Seven 
Native American Communities Reduced Crime and Violence and several 
COPS Office case studies.

On Friday, the course will conclude with Law Enforcement sensitivity 
training restricted to law enforcement personnel only.

Tuition cost for this course is $175 for the general session on Feb. 
20 (all-day) and Feb. 21 (8 a. m. to noon). The cost is $525 for the 
law enforcement sessions Feb. 21 (1 to 5 p.m.) and Feb. 22 (all-day). 
To attend all sessions, the fee is $700. To register, call 265-4200. 
When making hotel reservations, mention Lamar Associates to receive 
the group rate. 
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman