Pubdate: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 Source: Dispatch, The (IL) Copyright: 2007 Moline Dispatch Publishing Company, L.L.C. Contact: Details: Bookmark: (Drug Test) Bookmark: (Youth) ROCKRIDGE SCHOOLS MEETING WILL DISCUSS DRUG TESTING The Rockridge school district will host a community meeting at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 in the high school auditorium to discuss random student drug testing. In January 2006 the Rockridge School Board approved a drug-testing program, but it won't be implemented until a five-person steering committee, formed by Superintendent Jack Bambrick, gathers feedback and researches aspects of drug testing. With the help of the feedback from this community meeting, as well as one held in early January, the committee will explore who would be tested and how, costs, and pros and cons. The process of gathering the information began in November, with a survey completed by parents and junior-high and high-school students. They answered about 35 questions about testing. In public schools, only children in extracurricular activities, such as clubs and sports, and those who drive to school are eligible to be tested for drugs, alcohol and/or tobacco use. The format of the Feb. 28 meeting will be similar to the one in January, when those in attendance heard reports on the information collected and a speaker involved in the process. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman