Pubdate: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 Source: Monitor, The (McAllen, TX) Copyright: 2007 The Monitor Contact: Details: FORMER RIO GRANDE CITY OFFICERS SENTENCED FOR TAKING BRIBES McALLEN -- Three former Rio Grande City police officers were sentenced Wednesday to several years in prison for taking money from an undercover officer to protect drug shipments. Victor Benitez, Eddie Alvarez and Melissa Martinez were sentenced to 87, 41 and 51 months in prison, respectively. The three pleaded guilty in April 2006 in U.S. District Court to accepting money from an undercover FBI agent to protect cocaine shipments. The remaining conspiracy charges were dropped as part of their plea agreement. Judge Ricardo Hinojosa sentenced them Wednesday to start serving their prison sentences in April 2007. According to court records, the three took money from an undercover FBI agent in 2003 and 2004. Benitez and Alvarez agreed to use their police cruiser to escort a car holding four kilograms of cocaine through Rio Grande City in October 2003. Martinez did the same in May 2004. She was paid $1,500. Benitez and Alvarez were paid $1,000 each. Benitez resigned in April 2004, and Alvarez resigned in April 2005. Martinez worked for the city until October 2005, when she was fired because of the federal complaint. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman