Pubdate: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 Source: Oak Bay News (CN BC) Copyright: 2007 Oak Bay News Contact: Details: Author: Tara Carman EMBATTLED POLICE OFFICER RESIGNS The situation that led to the resignation of an Oak Bay police constable will not lead to any new instruction for officers. "This was a unique situation that would not require any additional training," said police chief Ben Andersen. Const. Rochelle Eveleigh was disciplined last spring for allegedly alerting a suspect that he was the target of an investigation. Eveleigh has stated she is resigning from the force. In 2001, the RCMP Island District Drug Section alerted the Oak Bay police that a female officer had released confidential computer information to an unauthorized individual in 2001. The matter was investigated by Saanich police, and the RCMP complaint was found to be substantiated. Eveleigh, who has served as a police officer for 22 years, had her rank reduced to a second-class constable and received a written reprimand in January 2006 following a disciplinary hearing. She then requested a public hearing, but withdrew the request after coming to an agreement with the Oak Bay police department to resign at the end of July. "She'll remain suspended until that time," Andersen said. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom