Pubdate: Thu, 01 Mar 2007
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2007 Winnipeg Free Press
Author: Gabrielle Giroday
Bookmark: (Drug Raids)


THREE Winnipeg police officers shot in a drug raid were cheered and 
praised by 800 friends and family members Wednesday night.

The three officers were shot Dec. 7 when they entered 723 Jubilee 
Ave. on a search warrant after a confidential informant told an 
officer 21-year-old Daniell Anderson was dealing cocaine and 
marijuana from a home he shared with his parents and girlfriend.

They were wounded when Anderson allegedly opened fire through a 
bathroom door. Anderson was also severely wounded in the exchange of 
fire. He is charged with attempted murder.

Const. Don Murray was shot in the stomach and suffered extensive 
injuries. Wednesday night, he sat in a chair on stage and laughed as 
another officer told the story of how he would ask hospital visitors 
to massage his feet.

Const. Curtis Penner was seriously injured after he was shot in the 
hand. Wednesday night, he gripped the hand of his wife of 31 years 
and beamed at the mention of their three children.

Const. Jeremy Cull, was also shot. Audience members learned Wednesday 
night how only days after the shooting, Cull proposed to his girlfriend.

The officers were brought on stage with their spouses last night at 
Canad Inns Windsor Park in a fundraiser to send them south on vacation.

The policemen didn't speak to the crowd directly, but in a joint 
statement read by another officer, they said they didn't want to be 
the centre of attention and thanked their families and fellow 
officers for their support.


But a full agenda of dignitaries and comrades at the sold-out benefit 
offered their thanks to the men.

"From Dec. 7 on, we've been through a range of emotions," said police 
Chief Jack Ewatski. "The one emotion I felt the most was the pride... 
I was proud of what they did, and I continue to be proud of what they did."

Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent letters of support to commend the 
three officers' contributions to the force.

Mayor Sam Katz said all first-responders should be commended for 
their bravery in their everyday jobs.

"We're all so grateful that you're here. I think we're all so 
grateful that you're OK," the mayor said. "I think we owe them all a 
debt of gratitude."

Manitoba Justice Minister Dave Chomiak, United Fire Fighters of 
Winnipeg president Alex Forrest and Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service 
deputy chief Ken Sim were among the other officials attending.

Anderson's lawyer has told the Free Press Anderson believed the 
officers were unknown intruders into the home. In the house, police 
seized marijuana, a quantity of Percocet tablets, Canadian and 
American currency totalling more than $4,000 and miscellaneous drug 
paraphernalia and drug packaging materials.

Anderson, his mother Bonnie Anderson and father Monty Anderson, and 
his girlfriend Ashley Cochrane are each charged with possessing a 
substance for the purpose of trafficking, possessing a controlled 
drug or substance and possession of the proceeds of crime.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman