Pubdate: Thu, 08 Mar 2007
Source: Wallowa County Chieftain (OR)
Address: PO Box 338, Enterprise, OR 97828
Fax: (541) 426-3921
Copyright: 2007 Wallowa County Chieftain
Author: Kathie D. Shaffer
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


Two Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compeon, have been 
sent to prison for trying to arrest a drug smuggler, Osbaldo 
Aldrete-Davila. He brought nearly $1 million of marijuana across our 
border in his van. After a brief scuffle, he ran back across the 
border into Mexico. The agents fired at him because he pointed a gun 
at them several times as he ran. He was shot once in the buttocks.

The Departments of Justice and Homeland Security sent agents to 
Mexico to find Aldrete-Davila, offer him immunity and free medical 
care, and bring him back to testify against the two agents. They also 
helped him file a $5 million lawsuit against the U.S. Border Patrol.

The agents' trial was a miscarriage of justice in many ways. While 
Aldrete-Davila was waiting to testify against the two agents, he was 
arrested for attempting to bring another load of drugs into our 
country. The prosecutors set him free and suppressed mention of his 
drug arrest so as not to harm his credibility. Also, during 
deliberations, three jurors wanted to vote not guilty but the jury 
foreman claimed the judge said they must vote to convict. Go to for more details.

Many thousands of citizens are in an uproar over this case. Also, at 
least 75 U.S. Congressmen have introduced legislation to release the 
two agents from custody. President Bush pardoned four drug smugglers 
on Dec. 21, 2006. He can easily pardon the two agents. All he needs 
is to hear from many more citizens.

Kathie D. Shaffer

Sylmar, Calif.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman