Pubdate: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 Source: Journal Times, The (Racine, WI) Copyright: 2007 The Journal Times Contact: Details: Author: Paul Sloth, Journal Times Bookmark: (Walters, John) Bookmark: (Youth) REPORT FINDS WISCONSIN LEADS THE NATION IN UNDERAGE DRINKING Wisconsin can lay claim to a dubious new title. The state leads the nation in underage drinking, according to a report released last week on substance use and mental health. The rate of underage drinking (ages 12 to 20) was highest in Wisconsin, 39.5 percent in 2004-2005 and lowest in Utah, 21.3 percent according to a report released last week from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The new data analysis shows that in 2004-05 Wisconsin had the highest rate of alcohol use among those 12 years and older, 65.3 percent. Utah had the lowest rate, 30.1 percent. The highest rate of alcohol use in the U.S. occurred among ages 18 to 25, again in Wisconsin, 75.7 percent. Earlier this year, the Coalition for Drug Free Youth and the Racine Community Coalition for Youth merged to form the Racine County Youth Coalition as a way to improve efforts to prevent and reduce substance abuse and to ensure that youth are increasingly involved, healthy and successful. Mary Esther Schnaubelt, project coordinator for Focus on Community, said the impetus to come together stemmed from the fact that, "part of what it means to build young people up is to work toward preventing young people from getting involved in drugs and alcohol." Both groups focused on a similar goal - helping create a healthy positive environment for young people - but members approached this from different perspectives. It made sense to coordinate efforts, Schnaubelt said. "We thought it was important that this be a county-wide effort. We thought it was important to engage folks in the city and in the county," Schnaubelt said. "Everybody who works with young people in the community needs to be working together -- that's why we have this coalition." State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2004-05 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health provides state-level rates for 23 measures of substance use and mental health problems, including underage drinking, binge drinking, use of illegal drugs, serious mental illness and tobacco use. In 2004-05, on the national level, almost 22.7 percent of all persons age 12 or older participated in past month binge drinking, which is defined as having five or more drinks on the same occasion on at least one day in the 30 days prior to the survey. Five states ranked in the top fifth in all three age-subgroups and among persons 12 or older -- Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. "Too many Americans are in denial about teen drinking," said John Walters, director of National Drug Control Policy. "We need to stop looking the other way and pretending that it's just a rite of passage. Let's face facts -- when teens drink, they drink to get drunk." State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2004-05 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health is available on the Web at For more information about the Racine County Youth Coalition, call Mary Esther Schnaubelt at Focus on Community at (262) 632-6200. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman