Pubdate: Thu, 15 Mar 2007
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2007 Winnipeg Free Press
Author: Aldo Santin


City Hall Agrees to Extend Program

THE cops-in-school program will be extended to the inner city and 
River Heights this fall and could find its way to many other schools 
across the city.

Mayor Sam Katz and his executive committee agreed Wednesday to expand 
the school resource officer program to two inner-city schools and to 
four schools in River Heights.

"We're happy and that's exactly what we wanted," said Tom Simms, an 
inner-city activist working with some of the groups.

Coun. Bill Clement said other school boards and schools across the 
city might want to participate in the program.

Katz said he and Coun. Gord Steeves will contact the other school 
divisions to see if they're interested in having a police officer 
assigned to some of their schools.

The city's offer to the other schools will provide civic officials 
with a sense of what the policing needs might be for the program on a 
city-wide basis. However, any extension of the program beyond those 
now approved by the province must still be approved and funded by the 
province and the affected school board.

The school resource officer program already has officers assigned to 
three North End schools. Those officers have been credited with 
diverting kids from gang activity and, through their work with school 
kids, have garnered valuable police intelligence on criminal activity 
in the area.

A coalition of parent groups and school officials had lobbied both 
city councillors and the Winnipeg School Division this week in a bid 
to expand the program. Their efforts paid off.

The Winnipeg School Division approved spending $84,000 annually to 
place three more officers in schools -- one officer assigned to 
Gordon Bell and another to Hugh John Macdonald and another officer to 
work with Kelvin, Grant Park, Churchill and College Churchill.

Simms said for the North End schools, the province matched the school 
division's financial contributions and the city provided resources 
for the officers. Simms said it appears the province will approve the 
same funding model for the additional schools.

He said he expects the officers will be in the schools for the start 
of the new school year in September.

Katz and his executive committee were enthusiastic in their support 
of the program, but want assurances from the school division and the 
province that this will be a long-term commitment to avoid any 
layoffs in the future.

What's the program?

The school resource officer program assigns police officers to work 
directly with schools in a crime-prevention and education role.

Which schools are already involved?

Three North End schools already take part in the program: St. John's, 
R.B. Russell, and Children of the Earth high schools.

Which schools are next?

* Gordon Bell and Hugh John Macdonald will each get their own officer.

* Another officer will rotate between Kelvin, Grant Park, Churchill, 
and College Churchill.

* The officers will also serve elementary and junior high schools in the area.
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