Pubdate: Fri, 16 Mar 2007
Source: Daily Astorian, The (OR)
Copyright: 2007 The Daily Astorian
Author: Jill Quackenbush


Hooray for Astoria High School's service learning  class. These 
students are a perfect example of how  youth, when given the 
opportunity, can be a catalyst  for positive change in their 
community ("Class declares  war on drugs, alcohol," The Daily 
Astorian, March 9).

Taking on the issue of drug and alcohol abuse is a  difficult task in 
a community where the norms are  favorable toward substance use. 
These students are to  be commended.

In an effort to support such an undertaking as this  service project, 
the Take the Time: Be the Difference  Substance Abuse Prevention 
Coalition and Meth Summit  Planning Committee, together with the 
Oregon  Partnership, and through a generous grant from 
Oregon  Community Foundation/McCracken Advised Funds, would  like to 
match the class' funds and contribute an  additional $5,000 to the project.

Thank you for having the courage to address such an  important issue 
and we look forward to hearing the  results of your endeavors.

Jill Quackenbush

Prevention Coordinator, LifeWorks NW

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