Pubdate: Thu, 08 Mar 2007
Source: Whit, The (NJ Edu)
Copyright: 2007 The Whit
Author: Carly Romalino
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Youth)


Hundreds of copies of the Rowan University Whit were stolen this week from 
the Student Center.

An anonymous tip to The Whit staff reported nearly 600 copies of the March 
1 issue stolen from the Mark M. Chamberlain Student Center some time 
between Thursday evening March 1, and Monday, March 6.

Public Safety investigators are looking into whether The Whits were stolen 
in response to last week's coverage of two students charged with possession 
and intent to distribute marijuana.

"We know who is responsible for this and Public Safety is investigating 
them," said Timothy Michener, Director of Public Safety.

Public Safety is investigating an e-mail sent to a Whit editor via 
Facebook, an interactive student Web site. A user identifying herself as 
female expressed great discontent with the front-page coverage of the 
marijuana bust in Chestnut Hall because the names of both students charged 
were printed the day they met with the Dean of Students.

"Bigger than theft," Michener pointed out. "There is a freedom of press and 
a censorship issue."

In a Rowan e-mail announcement dated March 7, Interim Vice President of 
Student Affairs, George Brelsford, relayed a message of disgust and 
intolerance to the Rowan Community.

"On behalf of President Farish and the rest of the University's 
administration I want to express both my outrage and profound 
disappointment," Brelsford wrote. "That members of our community would 
attempt such a loathesome act as to attempt to censor the Rowan University 
Student newspaper in this way."

The Whit placed a value of 40 cents on each issue last December in the wake 
of a rash of nationwide newspaper thefts, as reported by the Student Press 
Law Center. The total value of 600 copies is estimated at $240.

The Whit prints 3,000 copies each week, which costs about $1,100 of Student 
Government Association money.

If convicted of theft, the suspects will pay restitution for the stolen 
copies and face other Rowan University penalties up to suspension, 
according to Brelsford. "Theft is theft," Brelsford said.

Although the print version of the March 1 issue of The Whit is unavailable 
from the regular student center distribution bin at this time, students can 
access all of the print stories are available on the Whit's Web site at
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