Pubdate: Sun, 18 Mar 2007
Source: Sturgis Journal, The (MI)
Copyright: 2007 The Sturgis Journal
Author: Corky Emrick


The Sturgis Police Department's DARE program is  launching an 
innovative way to fight drug and alcohol  abuse.

Law Enforcement Against Drugs (LEAD) gives parents a  tool to 
determine if their child is using drugs or  alcohol.

Parents often ask police "where can I get my child  tested." Now, 
within the privacy of their homes, they  can preform the test.

Information on the LEAD Program and test kits will be  available at 
the Sturgis Police Department.

One kit tests for alcohol, the other tests for four  different drugs.

Sturgis Director of Public Safety Dave Northrop said  "we're not 
trying to bust kids, we're trying to give  the help they need.

"This will also help reduce peer pressure," Northrop  said. "It gives 
them an out, 'because they might get  tested.'"

The kids allow parents to get involved early in the  detection of drugs.

"This empowers the parents," Deputy Chief Dave Ives  said. "Parents 
can take a test and give it in the  privacy of their own home. They 
can do it before the  police get involved."

Along with the test, kids will be given information  from the 
Community Healing Center on substance abuse  counseling.

The kits will be able to be purchased.The alcohol test  kit is $3 and 
the drug test kit is $12.

Tests will be available for 30 days or until supplies last.

Anyone with questions can call Sturgis Police at  659-7260.
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