Pubdate: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 Source: Red Deer Advocate (CN AB) Copyright: 2007 Red Deer Advocate Contact: Details: Author: Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Annie's mailbox MARIJUANA ADDICT MAY HAVE TO LEAVE FAMILY TO GET CLEAN Dear Annie: I've been married for six years and have two wonderful young children. My husband, 36, is a good man and a great, playful father. He has a wonderful job that has enabled me to quit mine and stay home with my children. The problem is my husband has a drug addiction. He smokes marijuana every day, all day, before work, after work and during his breaks. When he goes without, he has mood swings and screams and shouts at the boys and me. Our second bathroom has been turned into his personal smoke room. The kids and I are not allowed in, nor do we wish to use it, since he makes no effort to hide his drug paraphernalia. I knew about his habit before we married, but we were young and I thought he would outgrow it. It is getting harder to cover for Daddy when he goes to the bathroom every 30 minutes. You wouldn't think he would want this kind of environment for his children. He would never volunteer to go to rehab. I don't know what to do. - Addict's Wife Dear Wife: An addict must be willing to quit before progress can be made and your husband isn't there yet. Plus, this is illegal and if the authorities find out, your children could be removed from your home. You may need to ask your husband to leave until he gets clean. There are support groups for families of drug addicts. Please contact Families Anonymous ( at 1-800-736-9805 for help. And when your husband wants to rejoin the real world, suggest he try Marijuana Anonymous ( at 1-800-766-6779. Annie's Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions, or write to: Annie's Mailbox, P.O. Box 118190, Chicago, IL 60611, U.S.A. - --- MAP posted-by: Derek