Pubdate: Sun, 01 Apr 2007
Source: Sunday Sun (UK)
Copyright: 2007 NCJ Media Limited
Author: Phil Doherty
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


A grandmother prosecuted for growing cannabis for self-medication is 
to lead a protest in London supporting the right of people to use the 
drug for health reasons.

Patricia Tabram, 68, said she expected hundreds of elderly, disabled 
and sick people to take part.

She said: "We are planning to take 300 cars with four people in each 
to London and block a very important area to cause as much chaos to 
MPs as we can.

"We are going to be there all day and sit there until they listen to 
us and take our concerns seriously.

"The people who are going to take part are all either elderly, 
disabled or sick who want the right to grow cannabis in their homes 
or take it as a medicine.

"We are sick of being ignored and victimised for taking a drug that helps us."

Mrs Tabram, who is a member of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance, has 
refused to say when the day of action is to take place.

The mother-of-three has vowed to carry on using the drug, which she 
says is more effective and less harmful than the prescription drugs 
she took to combat the depression she has suffered since her 
14-year-old son died in the 1970s.

She also says it helps her with the aches and pains resulting from 
two car accidents.

Mrs Tabram first came to the attention of Northumbria Police when it 
was alleged she supplied the drug to elderly and ill people in cakes, 
casseroles and curries.

Following her prosecution last month, when she was sentenced to 250 
hours community service for growing the drug at her home in 
Humshaugh, Northumberland, she was threatened with eviction by her 
landlord, Milecastle Housing.

However, after a board meeting, Milecastle Housing decided to apply 
to the courts for a possession order, suspended for two years, that 
will allow Mrs Tabram to remain at the address as long as she does 
not cultivate, possess or use cannabis in the property.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman