Pubdate: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 Source: Peninsula News Review (CN BC) Copyright: 2007 Peninsula News Review Contact: Details: Author: Stephen Lamb ILLEGAL DRUGS -- WHY NOT REMOVE THE CAUSE? Recent press has carried another spate of articles bemoaning illegal drug activity and the ineffectiveness of combative measures. One writer asked, "Does anyone else have a better idea at a reasonable cost?" At the risk of offending the gentile and naive, I quote from an article presented in Readers Digest of June 2006. This article was written by two educated, observant, realistic Canadians, who have lived and worked in Singapore for several years. "It's probably the world's safest country. It's certainly the cleanest big city I've ever seen." According to the same article, "Most citizens enjoy subsidized housing, an advanced medical system that rivals Canada's and a level of public safety that seems incredible to a North American." In my understanding, a basic rule in medical practice is "identify and remove the cause; prevent recurrence." The obvious solution with illegal drugs is one word: "Singapore." The difference, the "guts" to act. Just think of (then) available funds for affordable housing, child-care facilities, hospital nurses, schools, etc., ad infinitum. Please stop whining. Face the facts. Stephen Lamb Victoria - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman