Pubdate: Tue, 03 Apr 2007
Source: People's Post (South Africa)
Copyright: 2007 Media 24
Author: Tanya Petersen


IN a first for the Grassy Park area, the Asset  Forfeiture Unit (AFU)
has seized a house which has been  operating as a drug and alcohol
outlet for more than 10  years.

After years of drug and liquor confiscations, the  Grassy Park Police
brought an application for  forfeiture of the property to the AFU on
the basis of  criminal activity taking place on the property.

The property, at 236 Seventh Avenue in Grassy Park, is  owned and let
out by Hendrick April, and has been  raided 87 times in the past five

Advocate Hermione Cronje, regional head of the AFU,  says that the
police seized illegal liquor and drugs on  the property in Seventh
Avenue on numerous occasions.

"The property was used for repeated criminal activity.  "There has
even been an attempted murder there," she  says.

She explains that the AFU gave the court a history of  all the crimes
that took place on the property, a list  of illegal liquor and drug
dealings going back as far  as 1992.

"We looked at the case in two phases because the owner  of the
property (April) moved out of the house in 1998  and his tenants moved
in afterwards."

She adds that April said that he was unaware of the  criminal
activity, drugs and illegal alcohol sales  taking place on his
property after he moved out.

"We had to prove in court that these things were going  on and that he
was aware of it," she explains.

However, it was not difficult to prove this, Cronje

"He was on the property on at least three occasions  when the police
raided the premises and found illegal  substances," she points out,
adding that April claimed  that he thought dealing in liquor was not a
serious  offence.

"We presented affidavits that showed that these people  made no effort
to obtain a licence to sell liquor."

April denied that there was ever any drug dealing  taking place on the
premises, Cronje says.

"It was claimed in court that the police planted the  drugs on the
premises, but over the years April has had  many charges of drug
dealing against him which were  withdrawn for various reasons," she

Cronje says that it is for this reason that police  brought the matter
to AFU.

"The police have tried conventional methods to  eradicate the criminal
activity taking place on this  property, but it didn't work.

"The unlawful activities always continued."

She adds that, now that the house has been officially  forfeited, it
will either be sold at auction and the  money used to fund law
enforcement, or it will be used  for community upliftment projects
such as a drug  rehabilitation centre.

Senior Superintendent Christopher Jones, station  commissioner of the
Grassy Park Police Station, says  that because this is the first time
this has happened  within the Grassy Park area, "it shows that what we
are  doing is paying off".

"We are hoping to do this with more drug outlets in the  area, but we
need the community to come on board to  testify in court."

Cronje says that if there are other properties in the  community from
which unlawful activities are being  conducted, "the community must
come forward and contact  us or the police".

Basil Lee, chairperson of the Rondevlei Subcouncil,  says that he is
very happy that the house has been  confiscated.

"It is fantastic for the area. If we can get more  convictions it
might help to decrease the sale and use  of drugs.

"I want to congratulate the police on their hard work.  And to the
drug dealers ? watch out."
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MAP posted-by: Derek