Pubdate: Tue, 03 Apr 2007
Source: Cincinnati Enquirer (OH)
Copyright: 2007 The Cincinnati Enquirer
Author: Sue Kiesewetter, Enquirer Contributor


FAIRFIELD - A draft proposal that would allow the Fairfield Schools 
to randomly test student athletes and those involved in after-school 
activities for illegal drugs will be unveiled Wednesday.

A committee that included parents, coaches, administrators, students 
and nurses has been studying policies from other districts and has 
been gathering data since the fall.

"It would serve as a deterrent for athletes and those involved in 
extracurriculars," said Superintendent Robert Farrell. "It gives them 
another reason to say no."

A draft of the policy will be ready for discussion by the school 
board at its 5 p.m. meeting Wednesday, in the community room at 
Fairfield Senior High School, 8800 Holden Blvd.

The district will compile a list of students in grades 7-12 covered 
by the policy. One day every month a specific number of students from 
the list would be subject to a drug test.

An outside company would analyze the samples and send results to 
school officials. Students would be subject to the testing 
year-round, not just during a particular sports season, Farrell said.

Money for the drug tests would come from the school's Drug Free 
Schools grant. Depending on the testing firm selected and the tests 
required, the cost per test would start at $28 but could go higher, 
Farrell said.

Now, student athletes sign an agreement saying they won't use illegal 
substances during the season. During the 2005-06 school year, 906 
students participated in sports in grades 9-12. The new policy would 
include students involved in after-school activities, not just 
athletes, Farrell said.

Once the Board of Education comments on the draft, changes could be 
made and it could be ready for a first reading at the board's April 
19 meeting, with a final draft adopted in May and implementation July 1.
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