Pubdate: Fri, 06 Apr 2007
Source: Garden Island (Lihue, HI)
Copyright: 2007 Kauai Publishing Co.
Author: Cynthia Matsuoka
Bookmark: (Drug Test)
Bookmark: (Youth)


"Random student drug testing is a powerful prevention  program," said
Kaua'i High School Principal Linda L. T.  Smith. "It gives students a
reason to 'say no.'"

Smith and Waimea High School Principal Bill Arakaki  attended the
Random Student Drug Testing Summit in  Honolulu last week. The summit
was arranged by the  White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Arakaki said he came away with good information about  student
drug-testing programs, but he will wait for  direction to come from
the State Superintendent and the  Board of Education.

"Because we are a state system, things like this have  to be
systematically implemented," Arakaki said.

State Sen. Gary Hooser, D-Kaua'i/Ni'ihau, said the  issue of student
drug testing comes up almost every  year, and thus far based on phone
conversations and  e-mails, says he hasn't noticed any increased interest.

"For a variety of reasons at the legislative level, no  laws have been
passed that require random drug testing  of students," he said. "The
BOE has not taken a  position on it."

Hooser said he would prefer to spend resources on  treatment and

"I think that's where our money is best spent," he  said. "The
fundamental mission of school is to teach  kids, to provide them with
technology and facilities  and properly trained teachers. That should
be our first  job. That's what I am focusing on."

Hooser also said that student drug testing raises  constitutional and
privacy issues.

Arakaki said the American Civil Liberties Union was  present at the
summit. It had an informational booth  outside the summit and
participated in the  question-and-answer portion of the program.

The summit agenda included presenters who covered some  of the issue
areas: legal history/current legal issues;  current drug-testing
technology; developing student  drug-testing policy; student
assistance and support  programs; and funding. The agenda also
included a panel  presentation by members of Mid Pacific Institute.

Mid Pacific Institute, a private school on O'ahu,  started voluntary
random student drug testing in the  2005-2006 school year with 435
students. This school  year that number increased to 615. Next year
they are  expecting around 650 families to enroll.

Richard Schaffer, MPI's high school principal, wrote in  an e-mail
that based on surveys, 86 percent of their  families support the program.

The description of their program is on the school Web  site. The
school has also posted the form that parents  and students must submit
indicating whether they choose  to enroll in the drug testing program
or not.

According to the Web site, the program is non-punitive.  Test results
are sent directly to parents. The school  does not receive information
on individual test  results.

"The program is designed to gently force a discussion  between parents
and students. Students won' t get  removed from athletic teams or from
school if the test  is positive," the e-mail states.

Schaffer's e-mail states that from the pool of students  who
volunteered to participate in the program, 10 names  are pulled for
testing each month.

The urine test is done on campus by technicians from an  outside
drug-testing laboratory in a secure, private  area.

If the initial screening is positive or non-negative,  it is sent to
the Medical Review Officer who validates  the findings and determines
the cause of the positive  or non-negative test result.

The MRO, who is a certified medical doctor, contacts  the parents.

Schaffer wrote that the indicators of the program's  success come from
surveys that show conversations on  drugs have improved, students have
used "I'm in the  program" to avoid drugs, student use of illegal
drugs  has declined, and there is overall parental and student  support.

The United States Supreme Court upheld a drug-testing  program for
students involved in competitive  extracurricular activities. As
Kaua'i Interscholastic  Federation president, Arakaki is constantly
looking for  ways to improve drug awareness and drug intervention

Students will be meeting to plan an up-coming safe and  drug free
school conference scheduled for April 30.  Arakaki said it will be
interesting to see if students  bring up the topic of drug testing.

The DOE's Comprehensive Student Support System offers  an array of
services to support student needs, so if  students have problems with
drugs or alcohol, there are  ways to provide services for them,
Arakaki said.

Hina Mauka, for example, is a drug and alcohol  treatment program with
a person on-site at Kaua'i' s  middle and high schools as part of its
Teen Care  program. A student may voluntarily enroll in a  16-session

"Students have someone to go to, someone to work with,"  Arakaki said.
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