Pubdate: Mon, 09 Apr 2007
Source: Borneo Bulletin (Brunei)
Copyright: 2007 Brunei Press Sdn Bhd.
Author: Lyna Mohamad


Over 100 drug-related arrests have been  made in the first three
months of the year and there is  no let-up as the Narcotics Control
Bureau is on  overdrive to rid the country of drug abusers and  pushers.

The number of arrests also reveals the dark side of the  society, in
which the unemployed youth seem prone to  drug abuse activities.

The latest NCB operation over the weekend was focused  on the water
village and surrounding areas in the  capital. The target known as a
"Black Area" was raided  as officials came to know of many drug
activities  including abusers and traffickers.

According to a press release, Operasi Sapu involved 66  personnel from
the Enforcement and Intelligence  Division, who held the operation
from 8am to 7pm.

The raid led to the arrest of 17 people for committing  various
offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act, Chapter  27.

Among those detained were 14 locals, a permanent  resident, a Thai and
a Malaysian aged between 18 and 48  years, all reported jobless.
Thirteen of them are men  and the rest women.

During the raid, the bureau also confiscated several  packets of drugs
believed to be Syabu and utensils used  for the purpose of consuming

The raid was aimed at apprehending people who have  previously been
booked by the bureau but failed to  report to the NCB (under bond).
The NCB said houses  that were targeted were believed to be a nest for
drug  abusers and traffickers.

Some suspected individuals, who have had previous  records of drug
abuse, using the jetty, bridge and  walkway in the areas that were
targeted have also been  noted and action will be taken should their
urine tests  turn out positive for drugs.

The raid was also meant to collect intelligence on the  drug network
from the detained drug offenders. The  bureau said it will
continuously monitor the water  village and its surrounding areas to
ensure they are  safe from any misuse of drugs activities.

Under the Misuse of Drugs Act Chapter 27 in Brunei  Darussalam, anyone
found in his/her possession more  than 50 grammes Methylamphetamine or
popularly known as  Syabu is liable to the death penalty.

The public is welcome to provide information related to  misuse of
drugs by calling 244887 during office hours  or 8777444 after office
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MAP posted-by: Steve Heath