Pubdate: Wed, 11 Apr 2007
Source: Daily Advance, The (Elizabeth City, NC)
Copyright: 2007 Cox Newspapers, Inc.
Author: Zac Goldstein
Bookmark: (Drug Test)
Bookmark: (Youth)


The Currituck Knights could soon have something in common with the 
big leaguers, but it isn't likely to be cause for celebration. Like 
their professional counterparts, Currituck County High School 
student-athletes could be subject to random drug tests under a policy 
Superintendent C. Michael Warren proposed to the Currituck County 
Board of Education on Monday. If approved, the policy would affect 
high school students with parking permits and students who 
participate in voluntary extracurricular activities, including 

Warren said the policy would be modeled after a similar measure used 
in Dare County.

"When I talked to (Dare Superintendent) Sue Burgess, she said it is 
important that the consequences not be punitive on the first offense," he said.

Warren said drug testing has been effective in Dare County, but the 
tests resulted in some uncomfortable truths about drug use among students.

"The problem is worse than they thought it was," he said.

Warren said that substance abuse in Currituck is a concern.

According to data from the N.C. Department of Public Instruction, six 
students at Currituck high were reported being in possession of 
alcohol and four in possession of a controlled substance during the 
2005-06 school year. Warren said Dare County set aside about $30,000 
to run its program, but did not have to spend any of it because a 
grant was made available.

The grant covers the cost of the tests, the salaries of a test 
administrator and a medical review officer for three years.

Warren said he is looking into securing a similar grant for Currituck Schools.

If the policy is implemented, about 50 percent of eligible students 
would be tested each year, officials said.

The board agreed to revisit the policy at its May 14 meeting.

A complete draft of the policy can be seen online at the Currituck 
County Schools Web site: To view the policy, 
click on the "new policies under consideration" link and then click 
on the link to "random suspicionless drug testing policy" link.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman