Pubdate: Thu, 19 Apr 2007
Source: Honolulu Star-Bulletin (HI)
Copyright: 2007 Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Author: Tom Finnegan


Kula Schools' Vice Principal and a Science Teacher Face Marijuana Charges

MOLOAA, Kauai ; A science teacher and the athletic  director of an 
expensive private North Shore school  were arrested last week for 
allegedly growing marijuana  at their home.

Alan Bertolino, 43, the science teacher at Kula  Intermediate and 
High School, was charged with  second-degree commercial production of 
marijuana, among  other charges. He worked at the school for about two months.

Bertolino, who is being held in lieu of bail, was fired  Monday, Kula 
High Principal David Mireles said.

Kula Vice Principal and Athletic Director David Rojeck,  42, was 
charged with third-degree promotion of a  detrimental drug, a petty 

Rojeck resigned Monday morning after a meeting with  Mireles, he 
said. He had been at the school for two  years.

Bertolino and Rojeck were living together in Moloaa, a  few miles 
from campus, Friday when Kauai police, acting  on a tip, raided the 
home. Police said they found 50  marijuana plants, processed 
marijuana, drug paraphernalia and ammunition.

Mireles said parents have been supportive of both the  school and the 
decision not to keep the educators.  Other teachers have been filling 
in for Bertolino and  will continue to do so until the end of the school  year.

The small, private school's middle and high school is  at Moloaa, 
which has 90 students in grades 7-12,  Mireles said. Yesterday, he 
spoke about the teachers  with each class on the Moloaa campus.

"Never in our history have we had an incident like  this," Mireles 
added. "We are committed to a drug-free  environment."

There have been four other teachers in the state  arrested on drug 
charges so far this school year. Two  custodians were also arrested 
on drug charges.

Kaelepulu Elementary School teacher Bronwyn Marie Kugle  was arrested 
on federal drug charges on Feb. 14.

Leilehua High School special-education teacher Lee  Nobuo Anzai was 
arrested in October on federal  methamphetamine distribution charges.

Mililani Middle School teachers Benjamin Ayson and Lisa  Luhrsen were 
arrested in December for allegedly smoking  marijuana near the school campus.
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