Pubdate: Thu, 26 Apr 2007
Source: River Valley News (CN NK)
Page: 4
Copyright: 2007 River Valley News
Bookmark: (Drug Education)


Do You Know What Your Child Does When They Walk Out The Door?

The issue of Illegal Drugs has been front and centre in schools 
across New Brunswick. Many of the schools have drug councilors that 
are situated in the school environment that are able to assist with 
the growing use of illegal drugs in schools across our communities.

Illegal use of non-prescribed drugs is and has been a social and 
enforcement problem for many years. The most prominent drug used by 
young people is alcohol, in the form of beer, wine, or liquor, police 
said in a recent interview. Most young people will experiment with 
this drug at an early age (pre-teen) and then on to the teen age 
years, through High School. Many youth have to remember that you must 
be 19 years of age to consume alcohol in the province of New Brunswick.

Illegal drugs as defined by police are all drugs that are not 
prescribed by a doctor. Cannabis with street names, pot, hash, hash 
oil, weed etc is also readily available to young people at a modest 
cost. Other chemical drugs such as Exctacy, Mescaline (PCP) Cocaine 
or Crack cocaine are also available to young people but are more 
expensive and much more dangerous, so young people tend to stay away 
from these.

Drug abuse in all forms will destroy lives it is probably not 
exaggerating when I say that most crime is committed by people under 
the influence of alcohol or drugs or by persons that need money to 
feed the habit. Many of the youth across New Brunswick have received 
counseling for this habit that we hope should be gone some time soon.

What can you do if you think your child is under the influence? First 
you want to talk to your child and then you should contact police if 
your still not sure or if your suspicions are true.

If you would like to express any feedback on Rob's articles or if you 
have story ideas please email him at:  ---
MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom