Pubdate: Thu, 19 Apr 2007
Source: Time Out Chicago (IL)
Contact:  2007 Time Out Chicago
Author:  Leah Pietrusiak
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal)


New Mexico just became the 12th state to pass a bill legislating the
growth and use of medical marijuana. When the Illinois state Senate
reconvenes this week, it will consider a similar bill, SB 650. Dan
Linn heads the Illinois chapter of the National Organization for the
Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).

How do you think the bill will fare?

I don't think Sen. [John] Cullerton, who's a Democrat from Chicago and
sponsored the bill, would have put his name on it unless he was
confident it would go through. A lot of people are coming out of the's a public-health issue, and a lot of people don't realize
that. It doesn't have to do with teen drug use or legalization.

Who will it benefit?

People suffering from cancer and the effects of chemo, patient
who suffered from multiple sclerosis had severe nerve pain, and her
medication would keep her up all night, give her diarrhea, plus it was
very expensive. To combat the spasms, she eats three [pot] brownies a
day; it's also cost-effective. A support group called Medical Working
Cannabis Group meets in Oak Park every month.

What would the law allow?

For a patient or their caregiver to have 12 plants in locked quarters
and 2.5 ounces of usable cannabis, and they would be put on a registry
by the Illinois Department of Public Health. It would also allow for
dispensaries where growers could trade strains; they're finding that
certain strains help certain illnesses.
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