Pubdate: Sat, 05 May 2007
Source: North Kitsap Herald (WA)
Copyright: 2007 North Kitsap Herald
Author: Shaun Scott


POULSBO - Despite the idealistic environment the  North Kitsap area
offers, it's not immune to the  dangers of drug/alcohol use by some of
its children.

In an attempt to help curb a problem hovering right  beneath the
surface, a drug and alcohol prevention  information night for parents
of North Kitsap School  District students has been slated 6:30-8:30
p.m. May 9  in the North Kitsap Auditorium.

Information about the types of drugs kids use, effects  on the "teen
brain", what to do and how to get help  will be provided.

"Every parent thinks, 'It's not my kid,'" NKSD  community relations
director Chris Case said. "Even if  it's not your kid, you should come
because it might be  another kid you know. I encourage parents to
attend.  There will be a lot of information available."

Due to the explicit nature of demonstrations that will  take place at
the meeting, students will not be allowed  at the session. However,
Case encourages parents of  students at all grade levels to attend.

"Drug problems can start before high school," she said.  "It can begin
at elementary grade levels and middle  school grade levels."

Guest speaker Daniel J. Bissonnette, who's a chemical  dependency
professional and the executive director of A  Chance to Change, will
be on hand to answer questions  from the public during the meeting.

In October 2006, the Washington State Healthy Youth  Survey was
administered in schools throughout the  state, following a sampling
plan to ensure results were  representative of students statewide.

Sixth graders, eighth graders and 10th graders were  surveyed in the
NKSD. Participation in the survey was  voluntary and anonymous. A
total of 1,285 valid  responses were identified between the three
grade  levels participating in the survey.

The results were particularly alarming - especially  regarding
behavior toward alcohol.

According to survey results, between 17.6 percent and  21.2 percent of
North Kitsap students reported being in  a car with someone driving
under the influence at least  once during the past month (October
2006). In addition,  36 percent of eighth grade students started
drinking at  the age of 14 or younger. Research indicates that
students who begin experimenting with or using alcohol  before the age
of 14 are significantly more likely to  be alcohol dependent as young

Also according to the survey, marijuana usage in  students increases
significantly between sixth grade  and 10th grade. The results stated
that 0.7 percent of  sixth graders reported using marijuana in the
past 30  days (October 2006) compared to 19.5 of 10th grade  students.

In a fact that may surprise the general public,  statistics in the
survey show nearly one in five high  school-aged students reported
coming to school drunk or  high at least one or more times in the
previous year  (2005). 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake