Pubdate: Thu, 03 May 2007 Source: Eye Weekly (CN ON) Copyright: 2007 Eye Communications Ltd. Contact: Details: Author: Stephen J. Barringer POT RECONSIDERED Re "Just say yes, already," Editorial Digest, April 26: For those who think that marijuana is a "relatively harmless sedative," as your editorial describes it, I would recommend reviewing the public change of stance taken by the British newspaper The Independent on the issue of legalization. In a startling reversal of its previous position, The Independent cites some quite alarming statistics, including: * More than 22,000 people were treated in Britain in 2006 for cannabis addiction, half of them under 18. * The number of young people in treatment almost doubled in 2006, from 5,000 to 9,600. * Research published in the medical journal The Lancet in the same week shows cannabis to be more dangerous than LSD or ecstasy. * The popular varieties of cannabis today are over 25 times as potent as the varieties generally used 10 years ago, and much more likely to cause permanent damage to the brains of habitual users. This may not discourage advocates for decriminalization -- analogies to the social damage done by alcohol are still relevant -- but it may ensure that those advocates are honest about the dangers of the drug rather than falsely claiming it to be "relatively harmless." Every man may have the right to go to hell in his own way, as Robert Frost once wrote; that doesn't mean the rest of us are obliged to grease the slope downwards with misinformation. Stephen J. Barringer - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake