Pubdate: Fri, 11 May 2007 Source: Leduc Representative (CN AB) Copyright: 2007 Leduc Representative Contact: Details: Author: Mariann McLaughlin BRINGING THE COMMUNITY TOGETHER FOR A COMMON GOAL Every month, there is a dedicated group of community representatives and leaders that work diligently to help rid drugs from our youths' hands and to send a strong message that the drug culture isn't welcome in Leduc. Since the creation of the Community Drug Action Committee in November 2004, sessions and workshops have been held to better educate all facets of the community on drug use, abuse and the culture. "We feel the target is youth," said Julie Johnston, committee member, as they take every opportunity available to host educational workshops. "It's just one of a kind," Johnston added, about the group. "The committee is a place where partners can come and talk about issues happening." One of the group functions is the ability to host a variety of information sessions for a wide variety of audiences, such as businesses, schools, congregations and the community as a whole. "The community gets linked together for a common goal to make Leduc drug free," she stated. The Community Drug Action Committee has around 22 members, plus a co-ordinator, that consists of various agencies, such as the Capital Health, chamber of commerce, AADAC, Boys and Girls Club, along with the forming partners ---- RCMP, City of Leduc and Family and Community Support Services (FCSS). The group's vision statement is becoming a drug aware and drug resistant community, carrying the purpose of addressing drug related issues by means of enforcement, prevention, intervention, community networking and advocacy. - --- MAP posted-by: Derek