Pubdate: Sat, 12 May 2007
Source: Hamilton Spectator (CN ON)
Copyright: 2007 The Hamilton Spectator


NFL Advised To Delay Miami Dolphin Running Back's Reinstatement

Ricky Williams, who spent last season in the CFL while serving an NFL
drug suspension, has tested positive again for marijuana, according to
a source.

A person familiar with the case said the former NFL rushing champion
tested positive last month.

Williams had applied to the NFL for reinstatement in April but
following the latest positive drug test, clinicians in the program
advised league commissioner Roger Goodell to delay reinstatement, the
source said.

Both the NFL and Dolphins declined comment. Leigh Steinberg, Williams'
agent, did not immediately return a telephone message.

Williams spent the 2006 season with the Toronto Argonauts, rushing for
526 yards on 109 carries but missed two months with a broken arm and
Achilles tendon injury. But yesterday in Toronto, Argos president
Keith Pelley said if Williams has indeed tested positive, he won't be
able to find refuge in the CFL this season.

Pelley said in the off-season the CFL's board of governors passed a
code of conduct policy preventing its teams from signing players under
suspension by other leagues, including the NFL. "I can definitively
say Ricky Williams will not be in the CFL this season," Pelley said.

Williams, who turns 30 on May 21, was suspended in April 2006 by the
NFL after violating the league's drug policy for the fourth time.
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MAP posted-by: Derek