Pubdate: Thu, 17 May 2007
Source: Boulder Weekly (CO)
Copyright: 2007 Boulder Weekly


The jury is in. Oh, wait! There will be no jury. Police in Michigan 
have decided not to press charges after one of their own, former Cpl. 
Edward Sanchez, took some marijuana from a drug bust and used it to 
make pot brownies. After eating the brownies, Sanchez and his wife 
had a little freak-out and called 911, believing that they were "overdosing."

"I think we're dying," Sanchez pleaded during the five-minute phone 
call. "We made brownies, and I think we're dead. I really do."

We all know that stealing confiscated drugs is illegal enough to 
merit some serious charges, but shouldn't there be some extra 
stupidity misdemeanor thrown in there? Overdosing on weed is about as 
likely as eating only one Oreo after a couple joints, and that is 
something any person in charge of confiscating illegal substances 
should know. Even the THC-infused city of Boulder pressed charges on 
City Councilman Richard Polk for a marijuana mishap, and his trip 
didn't involve a paranoid death delusion. Then again Polk did tell 
police that the stuff in his pocket wasn't good shit.

Maybe we're missing out here in Boulder. It might be time to try 
trading that quarter of Boulder Skunk for a dime bag of the Michigan 
Death Doobie.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman