Pubdate: Mon, 21 May 2007
Source: Borneo Bulletin (Brunei)
Copyright: 2007 Brunei Press Sdn Bhd.
Author: Lyna Mohamad


The National Anti-Drug Association shared its anti-drug programmes 
and Islamic values at the 22nd International Federation of 
Non-Government Organisations for the Prevention of Drugs and 
Substance Abuse (IFNGO) World Conference in Macau, from May 14-18, 
according to a press release.

The nine-member Brunei delegation was headed by the association's 
president, Datin Hjh Masni Haji Mohd Ali, who also presented a paper 
on "Islamic And Spiritual Aspects Of Drug Abuse Prevention From 
Brunei's Perspectives".

Datin Hjh Masni also noted that drug abuse is a form of 
self-destruction that is forbidden in Islam, and as an individual is 
Allah's creation, his body does not belong to himself alone but to 
Allah, thus, all beneficiaries to his being are "Rizq" (blessings) 
that cannot be abused.

"It is therefore the responsibility of the individual to ensure that 
Allah's blessings are retained."

Meanwhile, National Anti-Drug Association honorary secretary Dayang 
Linda Abdullah presented a paper on "The Trap Of Alcohol And Tobacco".

Given that alcohol and tobacco are usually the first drugs young 
people try, she further said that high school seniors who smoke 
everyday are 10 times more likely to use other drugs regularly than 
those who don't smoke on a regular basis. Similarly, adolescents who 
drink heavily are more likely to use other drugs than non-drinkers 
and moderate drinkers.

The conference, attended by some 360 delegates from 40 countries 
worldwide, also saw a special forum for youths from various schools 
in Macau and a panel of experts to hold open debates on "Why Some 
Youths Are Attracted To Drugs", "How To Say No and How To Deal With 
Peer Pressure", and "Family And Support For Withdrawal From Drugs".

Meanwhile, IFNGO and the Organisation of Families of Asia and the 
Pacific (OFAP) president Nuno Jurge said, "We must converse with our 
youth and work with them, instead of just working for them."

It is with this in mind that the OFAP, as the host of the conference, 
offered to field a youth forum where concerns could be wholly expressed.

The IFNGO boasts 87 members from 40 countries, and has a special 
consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social 
Council (UN-ECOSOC).

It is also accredited internationally, with working relations with 
UNESCO, ILO, Who, as well as formal affiliation with Asean.

Basmida president Datin Hjh Masni was re-elected the first vice 
president of the IFNGO Management Board for 2007-2008, and the 
association will be hosting the 17th IFNGO Asean Workshop on the 
Prevention of Drugs and Substance Abuse.

The workshop, themed "Overcoming The Incidence Of Recidivism To 
Ensure Asean Drug-Free 2015", will run from December 3-5 this year.

Basmida will also host the 23rd IFNGO Biannual World Conference in 
the country in 2009, which will carry the theme, "Global Policies And 
Sustainable Programmes For Drug Demand Reduction".
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman