Pubdate: Sat, 26 May 2007
Source: Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)
Copyright: 2007 Canoe Limited Partnership
Author: Laurie Mustard


As painful as it is to be addicted to drugs, it's also  agonizing to
be the parent/family/friends of an addict.

Watching a loved one self-destruct, hurting those they  love while
doing so, is extremely difficult to endure.

The following was sent to me by a dad who loves his  addicted son, but
doesn't know where to turn.

Hoping to help his son, he penned the following piece,  which he sent
to me earlier this week, prefaced by his  reasons for doing so.

"Dear Laurie, I was wondering if you could possibly put  this in the
Winnipeg Sun. I've jotted down a few things  that have happened to my
son since he started taking  drugs. I'm going to share it with him,
but hopefully  publishing it might help other kids or adults make a
change in their lives. Thanks, a concerned parent."

DRUGS -- The Root of all Evil

Where once you had ability, now you struggle to  Achieve.

Where once you stepped forward, now you step Back.

Where once you were careful, now you are Careless.

Where once we had a normal family, now it's  Dysfunctional.

Where once you were happy, now no Emotion.

Where once you had many friends, now you have Few.

Where once you were talented, now not so Gifted.

Where once you cared about your appearance, now you  look

Where once you were alert, now you're Impaired.

Where once you had energy, now you are Jobless.

Where once you were kind, now there is no Kindness.

Where once you were full of vigour, now you are Lazy.

Where once you would co-operate, now you Manipulate.

Where once you were positive, now you are Negative.

Where once you were willing, now you Obstruct.

Where once you were loving, now you're with Pain.

Where once you were a competitor, now you're a Quitter.

Where once you were logical, now you're not Rational.

Where once you could be the life of the party, now you  can't

Where once there is calm, now there is Temper.

Where once you were trusted, now you are Untrustworthy.

Where once you cared, now you have no Values.

Where once you would run, now you just Wander.

Where once you were a part of the family, now you are  Xeno.

Where once you were eager, now you just Yield.

Where once you were active, now you're not Zealous.

"Laurie, this is an attempt to reach and hopefully  bring back a
person who is very much loved. If in some  small way this has an
affect on my son or someone else,  then my alphabetical 'compilation'
has been worth it."

Agonizing for all concerned. So where does a parent,  family member or
friend turn for help and support?

John Borody, Addictions Foundation of Manitoba CEO,  advises, "When
you have concerns related to alcohol and  other drugs, and gambling,
it is helpful to understand  the issues involved and talk with others.
Whether you  are a person experiencing a problem or someone close to
you is having difficulties, talking about things with  someone who
understands can help to make sense of what  seems overwhelming."

Where there's help, there's hope.
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MAP posted-by: Derek