Pubdate: Tue, 05 Jun 2007
Source: Hawaii Tribune Herald (Hilo, HI)
Copyright: 2007 Hawaii Tribune Herald
Author: Stacy K. Higa
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


I felt that I would wait for your newspaper to print the "correct 
facts" regarding the marijuana eradication grant funds. As usual, 
your newspaper doesn't accurately report the news.

Your Sunday headline states, "Green Harvest funds cut." WRONG. Fact: 
My vote was to remove these funds from the budget process, which we 
did. Green Harvest funds for county budget year 2006-07 is still in 
the police budget, and they will have enough money to continue their 
operation till the grant ends in September or October of this year. 
Fact: When the police department applies for next year's grant, 
(which should be around September), they will have to appear before 
the council and request that we accept or deny these funds by 
resolution. Fact: During this resolution process before the council, 
marijuana advocates will have the opportunity to present their 
testimony again, and so will the police.

During my three years on the council, I have been privileged to hear 
the testimony from the pro-marijuana people, but I have not heard the 
police side of how they conduct their operations. My vote is for the 
"process," and I want the police to explain to the council and the 
public all the facts on how the operation is handled. Educating the 
public and informing all of us on what is taking place in and around 
our neighborhoods are very important.

Fact: Stacy Higa supports continued marijuana eradication! I have 
heard some of the horror stories about helicopters hovering 
intrusively above homes, and stories of the police supposedly 
traumatizing children and family members. These claims have come from 
marijuana advocates, but I have never heard the police side of these 
allegations. The public needs to hear BOTH sides of what is happening.

To my constituents and supporters who have asked the question, "Why 
did Stacy Higa vote against marijuana eradication?" the answer is -- 
that was never the question. Stacy Higa voted to change the process 
of how the county accepts the federal grant money.

I think it is very sad that I have to write a letter to the editor to 
correct the misinformation that the newspaper prints in its 
headlines. Don't believe everything you read in the headlines or the 
newspapers, without verifying the facts.

Councilor Stacy K. Higa

District 4-Hilo
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman