Pubdate: Sat, 9 Jun 2007
Source: Federal Way Mirror (WA)
Copyright: 2007 Federal Way Mirror
Author: Margo Horner
Bookmark: (Policing - United States)
Bookmark: (Students - United States)
Bookmark: (Marijuana)


Students in Federal Way high schools, for the most  part, don't mind
the idea of having undercover police  officers attending classes with

Two weeks ago, the Federal Way Police Department  charged 12 students
and two adults with drug and  weapons charges after an undercover
operation at three  Federal Way high schools. The officers, a
29-year-old  woman and a 33-year-old man, posed as students while
purchasing drugs and guns.

Undercover operations in high schools are rare in the  area. The most
recent local undercover high school bust  was in Redmond in 2003.

A random sampling of students walking home from Todd  Beamer High
School last week revealed that many  students really couldn't care
less about the undercover  operation.

"I don't sell drugs, I don't smoke, I don't do  anything," said
freshman Lucas Belgarde. "I really  don't care if (undercover
officers) are here."

Frances Reed, a junior at Todd Beamer, said she  supported the police

She wasn't surprised to hear about the drugs and guns  on campus, she

"That's typical teenagers," she said, adding that she  and her friends
feel safe at school.

At Federal Way High School, some students worried that  people hearing
about the drug busts will think less of  their school. Rather, the
busts illustrate that police  and school officials in Federal Way are
proactive, said  senior Rita Helmbrecht.

"It should be looked at as a positive thing," she said.  "We don't
ignore our problems. We like to get after  them."

Jeff Oh, a senior, agreed.

"I'm proud that our officers are doing something to  keep our schools
safe," Oh said.

Justin Willis, a junior at Federal Way, added that  school districts
everywhere have problems with drugs  and guns.

"We're the ones doing something about it," Willis

Helmbrecht noted that just because an undercover  officer could easily
find drugs on campus doesn't mean  the campus is rampant with illegal
drugs and activity.

If asked, most students could point out a likely source  of drugs as
easily as they could a student athlete or  member of any other group
on campus.

"Everybody knows who the party-ers are at every  school," Helmbrecht

Oh noted that the amount of drugs found on campus was  relatively
small compared to widely publicized busts  involving adults.

In one transaction, an undercover officer purchased $5  worth of
marijuana from a student.

"The media makes it sound like it's 'Scarface'," Oh

Although students at Federal Way have heard rumors  about who the
undercover officer at their school was,  they aren't certain.

It would be easy for an adult to pass off as a student,  Helmbrecht
said. Young teachers are often mistaken for  students.

"You just throw on some baggy jeans and you're good to  go," she

Although the busts were likely to slow down drug  activity on campus,
several students said that the  police efforts were unlikely to end
the problem.

"If anything, they're going to be a lot more  cautious," said Federal
Way junior Britni Racus.

Lynaia Collins, a sophomore at Federal Way, said the  high school drug
busts are an opportunity for early  intervention for troubled youth.

"In the long run it will benefit the future because  they're getting
caught now," she said. "They could  change themselves."
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake