Pubdate: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 Source: Tucson Citizen (AZ) Copyright: 2007 Tucson Citizen Contact: Details: Author: Kirk Muse LEGAL DRUGS NO CURE-ALL, BUT WOULD CUT CRIME I'm writing about your thoughtful editorial Wednesday ("Violence from south a threat"). There is a simple and easy way to eliminate the vast majority of the violence in Mexico and the United States. U.S. and Mexico need to re-legalize all of our now illegal drugs so they can be sold in licensed, regulated and taxed business establishments for pennies per dose. Will this solve our drug problems? No. However, it will dramatically reduce our crime rates and increase public safety. Alcohol prohibition was not terminated because it was decided that alcohol was not so bad after all. It was stopped because of the violent crime and corruption its prohibition caused. When is the last time the Tucson Citizen ran a story about alcohol dealers killing each other and innocent bystanders with gun battles in the streets? Probably 1933, the year we terminated the disaster known as Prohibition. Kirk Muse, Mesa - --- MAP posted-by: Derek